New diagnosis and surgery.

  • 2 replies
  • 28 subscribers

This still seems very surreal. 

After a 3 week course of steroid cream to a sore place on my vulva my GP referred me to the gynae team and her quick actions meant my cancer was diagnosed from the biopsy as stage 1.

I was fast tracked for surgery 4 days ago and had a wide margin excision. I think I'll feel happier once the lab results from the op are back.

It's such a lot to get your head round but the oncology team have been fantastic with keeping in touch with me on the phone.

I'm a retired nurse so am more used to dealing with this sort of thing from the giving side rather than receiving!

I'm hoping to get added support from all of you on here as my journey progresses and I can end up supporting others too.

  • Hi Margeo

    I'm pretty much on the same journey as you except haven't had my surgery yet, I'm scheduled for 11 Aprril.  I was referred originally to a Consultant Dermatologist who diagnosed Erosive Lichen Planus. She was worried about a sore patch so sent me for biopsy which came back as squamous cell carcinoma.  I was then referred on to the gynae care team.  I'm thankful to my female GP and my female Dermatologist, like you I have a good team now.

    I think you'll find a lot of good advice and help on here, I certainly have.  I also have a good friend who was diagnosed with Bartholin gland cancer last year, came through pretty intensive treatment and is now cancer free.  As I live alone, she comes to hospital appointments with me as she has the same care team.  I had a CT scan with contrast just over a week ago and waiting for results of that.  My concern at the moment is avoiding covid as this will delay my treatment.  

    You're a bit ahead of me on same journey, so would love to keep in touch. You're right about it seeming unreal, I am definitely feeling the same.  I find it difficult to talk to family and friends about it too.


  • Hi ,

    Welcome to the group, although I a sorry you find yourself here.

    I am pleased that your GP didn't hang around and your cancer was caught quickly. 

    My GP was also very proactive and my cancer was stage 1b, so our journeys are similar. Feel free to message any time and if you have any questions then I am always happy to help if I am able to.

    I wish you the very best of luck with your lab results and a speedy recovery from your surgery.

    Take care,

    Vulval cancer warrior xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm