VIN3 surgery - scared

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  • 29 subscribers

Hello. I just wanted to share my story as I’m feeling so anxious and don’t quite know how to cope.

I had a biopsy last March because of a sore area and for some reason never received the results (swabs came back fine so I just assumed all ok). The sore has never gone away though and the last couple of weeks have been a bit of a shock as my GP realised that she had the results which confirmed VIN3. I had a colposcopy appointment last week and the consultant said he’s pretty confident that i’m still at the pre-cancerous stage, despite being untreated for 12 months. I now have my pre-op tomorrow and then wle surgery next Tuesday. I just feel so worried about it all, I have 2 young children and I’m terrified that surgery might show that it has actually progressed into cancer.

Please has anyone had any similar experiences or can anyone offer any advice?

  • Hi ,

    I am so sorry you are going through this. I can’t begin to imagine how much of a shock this much have been!

    It is reassuring that your consultant is pretty confident that you’re still at the pre cancerous stage and whilst I don’t know how long it takes to progress, I have read that it is slow and often takes many years.

    I have had a WLE for VIN free so if you have any questions or just want someone to chat to then I am here. I also understand the worry of it becoming cancer whilst having children. 

    Take care and message any time, 

    Vulval cancer warrior xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you so much for taking the time to reply me. 
    It has been a whirlwind couple of weeks and I keep swaying between thinking positive and the worst possible outcome. The nurse at my pre-op today said that it will likely take a few weeks to hear anything after my surgery so it’s going to be hanging over my head for a while yet as well.

    Do you remember anything about what your recovery was like after your wle? My consultant said I would likely have to rest for a couple of weeks to avoid any infections but today the nurse said I could be up and about after a couple of days (not sure if she just meant after the anaesthetic though)

    thanks again x 

  • Hi ,

    Yes unfortunately the biopsy results can take a few weeks to come back.

    I have had 2 WLE excisions and my recovery was different after each one. I was far more uncomfortable after the first one, so for that reason I would speak to your team about pain relief to take home, if you leave the hospital quite quickly. I was initially told that my recovery would take around 2 weeks. I was very frustrated to find that it took 6 weeks and everytime I tried to do anything more than rest I  would cause my would to bleed. That said, I did develop a nasty infection, so I have a feeling that really slowed things down. 

    After my second WLE, which was performed to get a wider margin, my recovery was much better! I felt better in myself, my pain was mild and the healing process was much smoother. I was advised that the recovery period would be around 6 weeks and although I felt much better than I had with my previous WLE I took things slowly as I didnt want to over do it like I had after my first surgery.

    In my experience every nurse and consultant told me something different with regards to what to expect recovery wise. My advice would be that we all heal at different rates and therefore its important to listen to your body. You could be told 2 weeks and then be disappointed when things are moving slower, so I would prepare yourself for longer and then take anything less as a bonus. I learnt the hard way that trying to do too much, too soon, only slows things down in the long run. 

    Message any time if you have any questions as I am very happy to help if I am able to. 

    Take care, 

    Vulval cancer warrior xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • My Dr. said I would be ready to return to work >2wks. if I followed the recomandations of no lifting >10 lbs., no driving, gentle walks...however emotionally and physically I was not ready to return to work>2wks.  It has been a long road emotionally.   so now it is 5 months later and I am now returning to full-time.   Take the time you need and heal emotionally and physically.  It's just a journey...prioritize the basics ...Did I sleep?, have I drank enough water, am I clean, have I had enough food, do I take time to breathe and listen to the birds chirp?  Do I have faith that it's going to be OK?   It is hard each day.  I hear you.....Kim  

  • Hi ,

    It is a difficult journey that's for sure. I couldn't agree more with self care being a priority, it's so important to put our emotional and physical needs first, before trying to push ourselves to do anything more. 

    I hope you are doing ok now?

    Take care,

    Vulval cancer warrior xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you Slight smile it’s been 3 weeks today since I had my surgery. I ended up having a spinal block rather than a general anaesthetic but my recovery has been better than I expected. I have followed all of the advice to take it easy, use a peri bottle etc and I am so grateful to everyone who has shared their story and helped me get though it all. I did get covid after coming out of hospital which wasn’t great but I’m negative now.
    I got my surgery results via letter yesterday and it said that the precancerous cells were successfully removed and I need no further treatment for now but will be followed up in clinic in 3 months. I feel very strange about it to be honest. Relieved, but also very overwhelmed by what I have been through over the past few weeks so I definitely appreciate your advice about the emotional side and self care.

    Heart️ Xx 

  • This is great news!  I also had the surgery in time so it did not get into my lymph nodes.  Although the loss is hard...I always say "I choose life".  10 years ago they would have automatically taken your lymph nodes just in case.  The first 2 months I was in a state of mourning of what was taken from me but now I am so thankful I did not have to have radiation.  Every 3 months I go to my surgeon for a check-up and so far so is a process not an event.  Be good to you and treat yourself to flowers etc.  It is normal to feel depressed as it is quite a loss but there is a point you w/need to accept the reality and choose life rather than mourning...Take time to enjoy a sunset or a nice meal, or a great book.   Take care,  Kimberly