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Hi I'm having an operation Friday to remove the lymph nodes from my left groin and to remove the left side of my vulvar. I had an operation last May to the tumour from the vulvar but it's growing back. Has anyone had this operation or similar? If so how long was your stay in hospital and was it really painful afterwards and for how long. Thank you in advance 

  • Hi ,

    I am sorry to hear your facing more surgery for vulval cancer. 

    It sounds as though your operation is a little different to mine. I had a wide local excision and a sentinel node biopsy in May. My hospital stay was only one night. The pain wasn’t too bad this time, my first operation was far more painful. I think a lot depends on how well we recover and how extensive the surgery is though.  They only removed 2 lymph nodes during my operation so if it’s all of your lymph nodes from the left side my experience may not be very helpful to you. Do you have a specialist nurse? If you do, I’m wondering if they could help answer your questions. You could also Ask a Nurse on here, by clicking the highlighted text. This will take you to the ask a nurse group where you can repost your questions. 

    Good luck with your operation and I wish you a speedy recovery!

    Vulval cancer warrior xx

    Vulval cancer warrior xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm