Vulva cancer

  • 10 replies
  • 29 subscribers

After referring me to gynaecology in November 2023. I had an examination & biopsy done on 9th of February 2024. On the 14th of February I was told had vulva cancer & cancerous cells in perineum.  I was then referred to to gyn/oncology , after further examination & discussions signed & agreed to wide local excision operation, on the 6th of March because of infection from biopsy this would be held up till end of month .I am now into May & still no word of surgery or date . have had another biopsy done in another area through Dermatology, I have been told these results could take up to thirteen weeks because of backlogs. Getting scared & depressed. I wish I had not gone to doctor at all   

  • Hello Amronb,

    I was diagnosed with vulva cancer back in April 2022 and my op was delayed due to me catching Covid. Finally had my op in August 2022. I would suggest you chase for your operation date with the hospital.  Was you given a Macmillian nurse at your gyn/oncology appointment? If so contact them and they will be able to chase it for you if not ring the support line on this page and they will be able to advise you plus when they ring doctors and departments things start getting done.  My op was a wide local excision so I know what you are going through, if there is anything that I can help you with please contact me.  Everyone will be off for the bank holiday but please start calling on Tuesday because you need this operation.

  • Thank you will try & see if I can get help with this. I did ask my Gp to get in touch with the surgeons secretary that was on the 24th of April but still nothing. Was only given a card with 

    Gyn/oncology nurse service & have called twice just been told nothing there for me yet 

    Feel like am in limbo had my eldest son at surgeon appointment & it's affecting him to with not being able to make plans to get time off work to help support me 

  • Hi

    all I can suggest is to call everyone to get this op done.  I felt so much better the day after my op, Friends even said I looked so much better and did not think I had just had an operation.  Once you get a date if you want any tips for after you op let me know.  Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

    take care


  • Hello AmronB. 
    I was diagnosed in May 2023 and I fully appreciate all the worry and fear that you are feeling, You need to keep ringing and telling them how it is affecting your mental health, pester your GP too and see if they can help speed things up.  It is so stressful when you feel in limbo.  I had a wide excision vulvectomy at the end of June which, so far, has removed all the cancer.  Please get in touch if you need to talk about anything that is worrying you.


  • I have now had another biopsy done on another area & it has come back as squamous cell carcinoma to attend Dermatology to follow it up,gynaecology said it could be connected, but still awaiting appointment for surgery from them. Still stuck in limbo 

  • Hi AmronB

    sorry for the delay in replying as have been on holiday with very little Wi-Fi!  Please start chasing everyone on this as you need a date for this surgery. As ex Lancashire Lass advised tell them how it’s affecting your mental health as well.  Also chat to the nurses on the on line chat, they are so helpful and can advise you the best way to proceed.

    shaton x

  • Hi no probs hope you had a nice holiday.i have finally got a date & will be going for surgery on the 3rd of June, fingers crossed now & just trying to not worry to much x

  • Great news, so pleased for you. Must be a wait lifted, I know it was for me once I came round from the op. Good luck and please let me know how everything goes xx

  • Hello again, I am so pleased that you now have a date for your operation and, like Sharon said, the relief when coming round from the operation immense.  You haven’t long to wait now.  If you need any questions answered, then just ask.  

  • Hi  

    I hope your surgery went well and your recovering well. Here if you have any questions.

    Take care,

    Vulval cancer warrior xx