Open stitches

  • 3 replies
  • 26 subscribers

hi everyone. I recently had surgery to remove vin 111 . It was only 5 days ago , although in pain I thought everything was ok until last night when I had a look and noticed my stitches had gone and wound was open on the entrance. It looks like a large hole . Later on the rest of the wound leading up to the top of the vagina has also parted slightly and no stitches remain . 

I went to emergency and they just said I have no infection and it will just have to heal by it's. It will take longer and won't look as nice . 

Does  anyone have any stories similar who can help or any advice on how long and how bad it will look afterwards  

any stories good or bad. Wound help right now xx CryCry

  • FormerMember

    Hi GilliesK,

    I had surgery for Vulval Cancer 10 years ago. I was in hospital for 5 weeks because things didn't exactly go to plan .During the operation  I had quite extensive skin grafts.My stitches all came out partly due to my being constipated and I strained too much going to the toilet.  I was then I given a stoma, which was a bit like shutting the stable door after the horse had bolted! Anyway to get to the point  - the area healed very well, but it took a bit longer. I don't know about looking nice - of course it's not perfect but it's certainly not too bad. I was quite pleased that at least it all healed up. I had the operation in February 2010 and in June I was given a 'tidy-up' operation to get rid of the excess skin from the grafts. Be patient - I'm sure your body will surprise you and heal of its own accord. Good luck. x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you so much for replying so soon . 

    I also had terrible consipation and I had wondered if I broke them through straining . 

    I'm not to worried how it looks as I have had LS for 15 years or more which gradually turned , so I'm used to being very uncomfortable and not confident down there . It's not been pretty for a long time lol 

    I'm just so very worried about the hole on the entrance as it looks awful and worried about infection. Also was so looking forward to some kind of normality in that area for the first time in years . 

    It doesn't help that I am a U.K. Citizen living in Spain so my spainish isn't perfect. Plus having to do it alone due to corona I have self isolated and will be away from my children for a month or more as I don't want to put them at risk coming to and from the hospital. 

    Thank you again . I'm glad you healed well and I'll have faith I will too x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I really sympathise with your situation as in normal circumstances it's hard, but to be going through it all in this coronavirus outbreak and living in Spain and having to be on your own is just so difficult. All I can say is that it will take a little time, but it will heal and you won't be uncomfortable again. I too had it for years and even 10 years on I still can remember the itching and pain from before the surgery. It will surprise you that you will gradually heal. Keep in touch if you need to ask anything else. x