Vulver cancer after treatment

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Hi All

Can anyone tell me if they have had chemo radiotherapy treatment then needed surgery after recovery?.i finished 33 rounds of radiotherapy and 5 of chemo in feb.had 6 weeks recovery and amazingly the mass that was on my vulver has now gone and the swelling in my groin which doc said is lymph node swelling as it is reacting to something has gone down.The tumour was on floor of pelvis.i went to see consultant on 20th march and she was really pleased after examination inside and out that she could not feel anything there.Obviously i was delighted.I had MRI on Thursday and have to go for results on 15th may.Consultant said at start that If theres is a tiny bit of cancer left i would need surgery to remove all of it.i feel great but still anxious about the results incase i need surgery.Has anyone else's experience been like mine?

