Nights are the worst

  • 5 replies
  • 24 subscribers

I found a lump towards the end of July and had to wait until September to be seen at the breast clinic. I received a phone call last week to tell me I have invasive triple negative breast cancer. I'm waiting for an appointment to have a titanium marker inserted followed by a visit with the oncologist. 

Everything seems out of control at the moment but I'm sure once I know the extent of the cancer and the treatment plan I'll feel better. 

The nights are the worst when it's quiet and my brain goes into overdrive.

  • Hi CharlieC,

    I also have this diagnosis and completely understand what you’re saying. 

    Have you thought about speaking to your GP to see if there is any support they can offer? 
    I got prescribed anti depressant for anxiety and then something called Phenergan to help me sleep. 

    When you get your appointments, hopefully this will help and then when you have them, this will help further. 
    I would suggest you take someone with you when you see the oncologist for a second ear. Sometimes we don’t always take everything on board and it’s good to have the support x

  • Hi Missy, I think it's the waiting and the uncertainty that are the worst bits. I emailed my specialist nurse and they are hoping that I will see the oncologist sometime next week. Once I know what I'm facing, and the type of treatment, and when it will start then I have something to focus on. 

    Thanks for the suggestion. I'll make an appointment with the GP and see what they say. At least I can work at the moment so that keeps me occupied during the day.

    • Take care and thank you again for the response x
  • Yes the waiting is the worst and working does pre occupy for sure! 

    I got signed off from work because of risk of infection. 

    Have you got a breast nurse? When they gave me my diagnosis they explained a bit of what I could be facing - you know the treatment plan that it may be. 

    My GP has been really supportive when I explained the situation so fingers crossed yours is too. 

    I downloaded an app called calm to try and help with sleeping and relaxing. You do pay for it but sometimes there are offers for half price through blue light if you have one or you know someone who has one. That has helped me sometimes. 

    Keep us updated xx

  • I was diagnosed in December but had to wait about a month before finding out my actual treatment plan because of Christmas. Once I knew what was happening (chemotherapy, surgery then radiotherapy) and having a start date helped a lot. It’s the not knowing which starts us overthinking. Good luck. 

  • Hi CharlieC

    Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with triple negative breast caner.  I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer four years ago this month and after having chemo, surgery and radiotherapy I made a full recovery.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your appointment and with whatever treatment your oncologist puts you on.

    Best wishes


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