Triple negative breast cancer

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Hi, I’ve recently been diagnosed with tnbc and had ct scan and full body bone scan which shows no spread. Then I had to have a pet scan.  Has anyone else had to have this after other scans were clear.

thank you.

  • Right, next time you feel like that just message me and I will distract you.... And that will distract me, which will mean we will both have a better day! Blush 

    Oh es, I've got 8 rounds of treatment, followed by what should be a lumpectomy. HOWEVER, I have also had to have genetic testing for BRCA if that comes back positive then I will have to look at full mastectomy. Not ideal! Better to know the info than not though. Just fingers crossed it's negative and will keep it simpler for me! After surgery, there's normally more depending on how you are after surgery. Radiotherapy, more chemo tablets (if some cancer left) or maybe more immunotherapy xx

  • Thank you xx

    My surgeon said he hopes the chemo will shrink the tumour so I can have a lumpectomy.  

    no not ideal, but better to have a mastectomy and get rid of it all.  Amazing what they can do now and what they can tell from biopsies.  


  • I'm telling you, it will shrink it! What size is yours at the moment? I have had one cycle and honestly, I'm prodding around to locate the lump already. Before this it was so obvious!! Sticking out almost. It will react well to chemo. What size is your lump at the moment? Xx

  • Mine is 3cms so quite big.  I’ve heard that sometimes they completely disappear.  I am having a clip put in near tumour incase the lump disappears, so surgeons know where it was. Did you have this xx

  • Yes, the chemo will take care of 3cms. I'll make a bet with you that by the end of chemo it either completely gone or a just a tiny amount of cells that they will just take out in surgery. I've heard a lot of this, it's called full pathological response.. fantastic!  They did leave a little metal clip in there when they did the biopsy, I think that's what it's for. Xx

  • You are on, a bet it is xx

    yes amazing.

    yes probably you had yours put in before.  Xx

  • I've got a tenner on you to have bugger all left by the time you're done with treatment WinkRofl xx

  • Ok I’ve got a tenner on you too xx We can do this.

    Good luck tomorrow.  I hope it goes smoothly xx

  • It's funny, I was just having my usual night before treatment pang of anxiety (I don't know why I always have this, it's not like anything bad ever happens) and it has quickly disappeared now I've read this.... There's a bet on and I've got a job to do. Let's get this done! Xx

  • It’s understandable you are anxious. 

    yes let’s get this done and get on with our lives. 
