Triple negative breast cancer

  • 41 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi recently diagnosed with this type of cancer I've had first round of chemo very scared about being sick/vomiting any advice welcome 

  • Hi no I haven't used them tbh I've not give them much thought.

  • Thats really good news. I went for my 1st chemo on Monday and had an allergic reaction to the Paclitaxel. Saw the oncologist on Tuesday and my new drug Docetaxel will be next Wednesday 12th. Just hoping I dont have a reaction to that one too.  How have you got on with your treatment. Like you I am very nervous about side effects, mainly sickness and nausea and of course the neuropathy. Its all so scary. I love this group, chatting to other chemo patients really helps. 

  • Thats good news, hope you are ok during your chemo, I'm very apprehensive about mine next week but i suppose we all are, its just the unknown. All doable as thousands have gone through it. 

  • I had a bad reaction to paclitaxel on my 3rd infusion ... It was stopped.

    Apparently they are going to try again with more antihistamines first and a slower infusion rate.

  • Hi sorry to hear your 1st round was bad I'm onto 5th I have nausea but no vomiting the anti sickness tablets are really good as soon as I start to feel sick I take one. Hope your nxt one goes much better. It is scary but we've got this take care.

  • Isnt it strange that you can have 2 and then the 3rd one gives a reaction. The same happened to a friend of mine too. She took the 1st infusion and then reacted to the 2nd. I hope that they gave you the antidote quickly and you were ok. I was petrified when it happened to me, I was 4 mins in and wallop I was quite scared. They soon brought me back to normal. So now a week behind with chemo and feeling very apprehensive about next week. 

  • Well, you have done brilliant to get to your 5th, they have mentioned the sickness tablets and I was wondering if they did actually work so you have made me feel better know that they do. We are all in this together, not very nice but a journey we have to take. Hope your daughters wedding went ok and you managed to enjoy yourself best you could. Always here for a chat xxx

  • Hi The wedding went really well even though I was 10 mins late trying to get my mums wheelchair fully set up thanks for asking. I'm here for you too x

  • Hi I'm having 3 different ones the main side effect that is giving me the most problem is tiredness.

  • I didn't have much energy when I was having EC chemo for the first half of each cycle, then I'd wake up one day and be back to normal. Thankfully the second type of chemo I had didn't make me feel like that and I was able to function as normal.


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