Triple negative breast cancer

  • 41 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hi recently diagnosed with this type of cancer I've had first round of chemo very scared about being sick/vomiting any advice welcome 

  • Just shout anytime if you have any questions.  

  • Will do thankyou 

  • Hi Im due to start my chemo on 3rd June 2024  it will be paclitaxol and carboplatin. Did you have many side effects from the paclitaxol? I dont take any medications, even paracetamol so the thought of this going into my body is quite scary for me. I have done research but its always go to hear from someone who has been through the same drug. Any info would be grateful. Thanks x

  • Hi

    I'm just starting my 2nd session now the only side effects I've felt was being tired and hungry I will keep you up to date on any others try to take as much rest as you can you got this.

  • Thank you so much for responding. Wishing you well with your further sessions. Take care and thank you x

  • Here if you have anything you want to talk about take care.

  • Just had my first round of treatment today ...Pembrolizumah, then carboplatin, and then paclitaxel .. plenty of meds bought home and plus self injections into tummy on 9 occasions .... Anyone else been given the injections? 


  • Yes, I had them when I was having EC chemo. I had to inject myself for the first week of each cycle. The chemo was every 3 weeks and I had it 3 times, so 21 injections in total.

    Was there something that you wanted to know in particular about the injections? I found them quite easy to do, once I'd watched a video on YouTube. Mine were filgrastim, to boost the white blood cells. Are these the injections you're having?

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  • Hi Basket,

    yep, I have the injections for 3 days after the Pembro weeks. I’m not as brave as you though and have the district nurse come over and do it for me! Xx

  • The paclitaxol is the one that causes neuropathy.  The others don’t.  I took thr anti sickness quite often and it helped a lot. I was wide awake for the first few days after chemo because of the steroids etc so you end up tired and not been able to sleep. But everyone is different.  
    I also felt a bit dizzy and that frightened me but eventually went away.  
    loads of little quirky things happen but all doable.  I live in London and took thr tube into the city - Guys hospital to have my treatment.