Diagnosed with triple negative grade 3 breast cancer yesterday

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  • 34 subscribers

Hello everyone,

Hope you've had a better start to the new year than I have.

I'm 31 years old and just received a diagnosis of triple negative breast cancer, its in both breasts and Lymph nodes. It feels surreal writing this, I lost my mum to breast cancer so I will be tested for the gene.

It feels like a tornado has hit me and turned my life upside down, I went from being fully employed by the very NHS Trust that diagnosed me to signing off from work and leaving the city I live in.

I made the mistake of googling my type of cancer, I guess I just felt like knowing more would help me manage things better. 

I don't have a partner or children and have agreed to freezing my eggs but I guess my emotions are everywhere I went from wanting a family to not knowing if I will have the strength to have kids, has anyone else had their eggs frozen?

What is chemo like for triple negative I am scared of the side effects, I'm hyper independent and the thought of now depending on others to support me scares me

Guess I'm just here for advice and support Disappointed

  • Hi Uzma,  that must be tough being on the same ward, really feel for you. Waiting is just the worst, hope you get good news soon xx

    My lump was 4.8cm at start and had shrunk so a partial response to chemo the surgeon found some calcifications on the ultrasound so did a quadrantectomy (I have large breasts so still similar size to the other one) I also had node involvement so he took out 6 lymph nodes which he called level 1, basically closest to the breast.  The MRI before surgery looked like it  had shrunk to 7mm but it was actually  2.8cm  when he did the surgery. He said the MRI has shadows so can't always see the exactly what is still there until surgery. He got clear margins and my onco said a partial response was good news and all the cancer was gone.  They give you exercises to follow so you get full movement back. Took 3 weeks off but if a physical job they recommend longer. I was quite tired afterwards, I think the build up from all the treatment, be kind to yourself and make sure you take the time to rest xxx

  • Hello all, I have been diagnosed of high grade 3 invasive ductal carcinoma.i am devastated and my mental health is affected.i am scheduled to go for PET scan to check spread.i feel so empty. Been crying and sad.i dont know how long one has to fight to stay on.i dont know my treatment plan yet.i am just in shock

  • Had exactly the same treatment (diagnosed in Jan 23) but my Pembro has been cut out after my oncologist went to a Breast Cancer conference in December in Texas and found out that it makes no difference post op? And I totally agree on focusing on one treatment at a time x

  • Hi Keb4567, oh really that's interesting. I'm seeing my onco in Monday so will see if she says anything, think I have 5 left. Did they say why it makes no difference after surgery? How do feel about it stopping? Hope you're doing well xx

  • Hi Duchezz Gold, I'm soSnowflake sorry you have this diagnosis. It is such a shock, then a whirlwind of appointments, scans and waiting. Feeling like this can't be happening to me. Try to keep busy and not to worry, easier said than done I know. Mine was also grade 3Cry, remember you are stronger than you think. Once you know your treatment plan you will feel more in control again. I found this group and the breast cancer group really helpful, there is always someone who can give support and advice. You will get through this one step at a time xxx

  • Sorry about the emoji's!

  • Hi there. He said that someone had carried out a study  of the benefits of post operative immunotherapy. Half the patients in the study were given it and half weren't and it made no difference? Im happy to discontinue because I totally trust in what he decides. Im doing good thank you x  Happy last year is over! Hope you are doing well too 

  • Yep, totally agree we got to trust the experts. Glad you can put last year behind you Grinningnow, wishing you all the best x

  • Hi, I am so sorry that 2024 has started this way. I was diagnosed with TNBC grade 3 stage 3 in 22. I completed my chemotherapy and radiotherapy in February 23. I did not have too many side effects,  mostly tiredness. I am way to old for freezing eggs. You will need to adjust your life, but you will still be a strong, controlled and amazing woman.  Xxx

  • I was diagnosed with TNBC stage 3 January 6, 2024.  I am 66 and no BRCA. No family history of cancer, Mammo caught the bugger as it was so small it would not have been felt during a breast exam.  Size has increased from 1.5 cm and is now 2.1 cm.  It has taken so long to get my first chemo which will be 3/21/2024.  I am in a clinical trial, Group 1 will have 4 chemo drugs for 8 cycles along with Keytruda (immunotherapy pembrolizumab). Group 2 will receive two chemo drugs (no red devil Carboplatin) and Keytruda over a period of 6 cycles. A computer will randomly select my group.  I am still waiting to find out.  I have decided not to do the cold-cap.  The cancer clinic has 100's of wigs we can use.  After chemo, it will be a lumpectomy then radiation.   I am praying and keeping a good attitude.  I know once I start treatment it will be more difficult.   

    I have been searching for a group with this type of cancer and glad I found you all!

    Take Care, 
