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Hi folks,

I also was diagnosed with Grade 3 TBC, early March. I have already had my lumpectomy and 3 lymph nodes removed (latter non cancerous). 

I am due to start the first of 4 fortnightly EC chemo sessions tomorrow followed by 4 fortnightly T chemo sessions and will have the white cells protein injection tomorrow also then I will have follow up radiotherapy.

 I turned 50 last week ( so celebration plans had to change/ be delayed). I am currently waiting on results of the genetic testing (although no family history) I have 4 older sisters none of which, thankfully, have had breast cancer to date.

Is the suggested best option full mastectomy if the BRCA comes back positive?

I have great support around me in my husband and 4 sisters and close friend which I feel so fortunate for. However I get really upset when others say "I know  someone who has breast cancer and they are fine".

Not because I don't believe I'll get through this but I'm at the start of what in any sense is not a pleasant journey to be on.

I am most worried about nausea as I have always suffered from travel sickness, had positional vertigo also on several occasions.

Do you guys eat during chemo sessions, if so what is a good choice?

  • I do know how you feel - it’s scary in the early days, but the other ladies are right it somehow feels better when you have a treatment plan sorted. I had a lumpectomy in April and started chemo yesterday. Even though I know I’ll probably feel ill from it soon, I feel happier knowing I’ve started the process.

    the worrying beforehand about the operation and first chemo was way worse than the reality. It’s all doable - you’ll find you’re stronger than you think you are.

     Hang in there - yiu can do it.  And avoid googling - though I was the worst for this, it doesn’t help and a lot of it is out of date. My BCN was constantly telling me off for this!

  • Hi there,

    How are you doing?

    I was just wondering if you have seen plastics yet? I’m wavering with how to proceed. As have PALB2 gene, highly likely will have a staggered double mastectomy. I was going to have the first affected breast removed in august time this year (last chemo due 23/6/23), but today after treatments was just so tired and have another 4 to go. I’m wondering whether to have the initial lumpectomy and put off the breast removal till next year and just give myself and my body some time off. Trouble is then i guess I will have to have radiotherapy and then basically I'm just adding more procedures! Aaaaaargh ! Its such a minefield!

    Good news is have had a complete response to the chemo so there is no measurable cancer there now. It’s the gene mutation that is throwing everything up in the air - as it does!

    I do still see myself as having been give protective options and am grateful for that - it’s just how to play this next stage.

    So! I was just wondering whether plastics had given any advice although i know your situation is different as I’m pretty sure I wont go for the reconstruction.

    Any info welcome - though know you may be thinking it all over yourself too!

    Jan x

  • Hiya,

    Just a little gentle message to remind yourself that you may not feel ill from the chemo as side effects vary so much. I haven’t felt ill. I have felt a bit spaced out at times and definitely some waves of tiredness - but apart from that i have been fine with EC and Paclitaxel. I have used the cold cap and retained my hair. I have used the poly balm and still have good nails. I haven’t needed the anti sickness meds. People are strangely telling me I have never looked better which is weird.

    I walk every day with my dog, eat really well and have given myself time off from worrying about things i can’t change.

    You may be much more fine than you think Pray. I hope so.

    Jan x

  • This is such a positive and uplifting message as I go into day 2 of chemo. Thank you so so much. I really hope I’m like you. Also walking every day, eating healthy and juicing to get healthy liquids in. Will be checking in with you again soon as my genetics tests are due back in a couple of weeks xx sending hugs and hope you get resolution on your mastectomy decisions soon x

  • Aaaaah thats great you feel it was a positive message. I was worried you might read it as smug or something. I see so many people talking about struggling with side effects but i decided to adopt the mantra early doors that what you fear and dread can sometimes be a self fulfilling prophecy and no point worrying about these things until they come - and they may not come at all!

    Great to hear you walking, eating well and juicing - you will find you are starving from the steroids possibly - I have never been so hungry in my life as I am just now!

    Planning to spend the day gardening today. I have big surgery decisions ahead of me and no better way than to process that those thoughts and feelings whilst creating something beautiful to spend time in. The breast surgeon will help me negotiate the right path for me - I don’t have to do this alone - today my comfort will be my lovely new bedding plants - loads of them!!!!!!! No summer holiday as such so garden it will be! Then China towards the end of the year to see my son who is living there  - liking having treats planned in as this motivates me too.

    Jan x

  • You sound completely on my wave length - planning a short walk to a bluebell wood today after going to get my wig. Also planning a trip to see my sister in Nepal next year. Nice things to look forward to and positivity is the key. Fingers crossed xx

  • And yes I’m steroid starving too!

  • Would love to go to Nepal - closest I have got is Dharamshala. Felt like I was spiritually home Pray x

  • My sister lives in Kathmandu and been meaning to go for ages but taking me, hub and 3 kids was way too expensive. Now suddenly I have sympathy credits so I’m using them to go on my own next year hopefully! Cancer silver lining!