Hi I'm new to the forum

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I was diagnosed with TNBC following a routine mammogram and opted for a mastectomy first rather than chemotherapy first.  I have had a Portacath fitted and am now having EC chemotherapy as belt and brace which I tolerated quite well.  I was supposed to have my second chemo session 2 weeks after the first one but apparently my white blood cells were too low for this to happen.  I was quite surprised that my bloods weren't right as I have felt absolutely fine.  Has anyone else had this experience so soon into their treatment? It's a bit of a journey for us all for sure but reaching out today has helped me to re-focus my attention on the positives.  I wish you all good mental health.

  • Hi Ceba

    Welcome to the forum and sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with Triple Negative Beast Cancer.  I didn't have experience of low white blood cells after just one chemo session but I thought I'd check in with you as you haven't had any answers yet.  Might I suggest that you also join the Breast Cancer forum and put your question on that as it's a much busier forum than this one. There are plenty of women on that forum with Triple Negative breast cancer as well. The following is the link: Breast cancer forum.

    Hopefully you'll be able to have your next session of chemo soon and best of luck with the rest of your treatment.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Ceba, I also have TNBC and started Chemo in Sep 2021. Like you, I was delayed with my 2nd treatment and 4th and 6th! I was given injections after treatment 2 that I had to take for a week after each Chemo. Whilst I would have said that I was pretty healthy before Cancer and exercised & kept fit, my immune seems to be rubbish and I didn't bounce back well after each treatment. Eventually finished in Feb 2022 and onto Radiotherapy. Its a long journey and very disappointing when the blood aren't good enough, but you will get there. x

  • Thankyou for your response Daisy53 and for suggesting the Breast Cancer Forum.  I will definitely use the link you have provided.  

    All the best


  • Thankyou for your response Julzee.  It sounds as though we are experiencing the same set backs in our treatment and I too have enjoyed keeping fit  to stay healthy for many years prior to my treatment.  I like to think this may have put us in a better place to tolerate chemo a little better but it is a huge adjustment regardless. It is a long journey but we will come through it even stronger.

    All the best


  • Hi there. I think neutrophil level issues are really common with chemo schedules, I am through the EC portion of my chemo now (on to PC), and I was delayed for my second and fourth cycles by low levels even though I was taking the bone marrow cell injections to help boost your body's manufacturing speed. I am in my early 30s with no underlying health conditions. I think it is simply the chemo battering every renewable cell stock you have, so try not to get too disheartened when it happens. I've just been horrified to have to have a blood transfusion on my weekly PC chemo for red cell problems, but they too aren't uncommon either even though it felt really surreal. This isn't failure, it's just the collateral damage of the treatment. One of the hardest things about all of this is you can't ever schedule or plan ANYTHING! Drives me mad, I was so organised in my former life!