Wanted to join your group to be part of the family

  • 5 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Hi My name is Fiona. I am 56 and was diagnosed with TNBC at the end of February. It has been a whirlwind for me and my family and took along time to deal with that unbelievable overwhelming feeling that this diagnosis brings.  I am having neoadjunctive  chemotherapy before surgery.  I am on week 11 of my 12 weekly PC chemo and then I will have 3 weekly AC. I have felt fatigue the most and a horrible metallic  taste in my mouth.  Just wanted to feel part of a group that are experiencing this journey  

  • HI fiona 

    Sorry to hear you have been diagnosed  with TNBC, I've the same diagnosis,  but seeing my oncologist  tomorrow  for my treatment  plan, hope you doing OK, quite a few of us on main breast cancer forum  too xx

  • Hi Fiona I am 43 and have been diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer. I too am having Chemotherapy before surgery. They are planning 6 cycles. Three of FEC and three combined with Docetaxel. I had my first one last Wednesday and it seemed to go okay although I'm feeling a bit weak at the moment. I think I caught it early but can't remember what stage my oncologist said it was if she even said. I will have to ask at our next appointment.

  • Sorry you are on this journey. I also have TNBC diagnosed in February. My treatment is the other way round - have had a WLE, am now on EC with Paclitaxel to follow. All the best. 

  • Thanks for your reply. Hoping your treatment is successful. If you ever need to vent you know where I am Slight smileSlight smile