Newbie here

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Hi all - Recently got diagnosed with Grade 3 Triple Negative. I'm terrified. Chemo first then surgery. I can't believe this has happened to me, I'm 39. Really looking for some support xx

  • I hope the PICC line fitting went ok. I have had my portacath inserted today. I have added an entry to my blog about it if you (or anyone else) is interested 

  • Hope it went ok? I’ve just got home. I was a ball of anxiety this morning but everyone was so nice and it went ok. I need to take some more painkillers soon and hoping I can get some sleep tonight. Today just made things very real is all xx

  • Yes, it’s also a bit sore but will be unobtrusive once it’s healed in a week or so. I don’t know that I will get a good night’s sleep but that’s more to do with my date with the Red Devil tomorrow. 

  • I hope you managed to get some rest? Will be thinking of you today, I have another week before I start. My mind was ticking over last night. Please let me know how today goes?  Sending lots of love and strength xx

  • I managed to get a good sleep last night considering I was a bit sore and it was the eve of the unknown. Today also passed fairly smoothly but I think most peop0e experience that. I will write it up on my blog shortly. Hope you are ok and your PICC isn’t uncomfortable 

  • I’m glad today went as well as anything could. I hope the next few days aren’t too bad for you.

    You seem to be doing a lot better at this than I am in terms of taking it one step at a time. I’m getting too lost in my own head right now and I think that’s because of the wait to start. 

  • Sometimes I feel calmer than at other times but I think it has helped to get started. It won’t be long for you, I would recommend planning as many nice things to do as you can in the remains days before your first infusion. I saw family and friends, had a few meals out, went for long country walks, and tried a new parkrun location. 

  • Hello, I received my diagnosis yesterday, I'm on the same journey as you. Sending you love, we've got this Muscle tone1Purple heart