Hi Newbie here

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  • 24 subscribers

Hi.   After being diagnosed with TRIPLE NEGATIVE BC in October 21 and now on round 3 of chemo, just found out today It had been agreed for me to have bi-lateral mastectomy (my choice)

    Previously diagnosed. 20 years ago with ER+ with lumpectomy and radiotherapy (unable to tolerate chemo).   

can any one offer any support, help or advice I dealing with double mastectomy.

feeling numb.


  • Hi 

    Sorry you find yourself back on yhe cancer journey. It really is very numbing and the weeks following diagnosis are so difficult.

    I was also diagnosed before in 2008 and was ER + and had lumpectomy and radiotherapy and then Tamoxifen for 10 years. My cancer came back and is now tnbc. 

    I'm sorry that you have to undergo a double mastectomy. I dont have experience of that but you may want to post on the main breast cancer forum which is much busier and you may be able to connect with someone there.

    Take care xx

  • Hi Runningbuddy 

    Ive had lumpectomy but now through finding out I have a gene called PALB2 I have to think about a double mastectomy in the future, I’m currently having chemo.  I also have to have hysterectomy but this isn’t a difficult decision compared to mastectomy as there’s several options to choose from.  Have you made your decision?
    You might find more support on the busier breast cancer group.

    Hope you’re finding chemo not too bad.  Are you on EC at the moment and then on to Paclitaxel? 
    Best wishes x

  • Hi 

    I have been having chemo weekly (Abraxane and Carboplatin) finishing round 4 shortly then on to surgery..    i had a recent MRI and there has been some reduction in size of the cancers but not completely gone so I am having a DMX mid April, even tho genetic result has come back negative..  . Seeing surgeon on Monday to discuss the different options available for surgery. 

    I have been advised that I will also be having oral chemo following surgery called “cape” due to the cancer not fully responding to the first lot of chemo.   

    hope you are getting thru your chemo ok

  • Hi I’m doing ok with chemo got 5 more weeks then a break of about 4 weeks and then on to double mastectomy.  Saw surgeon on Monday and now have to decide whether to have implants or not.  Do you know what you will decide? 
    Wishing you all the best with your last chemo and Cape x