Reoccurrence of TNBC

  • 12 replies
  • 29 subscribers

I am now almost at the 3 year point since my breast cancer diagnosis.  Somewhere along the line my husband picked up the information that 3 years post diagnosis is a positive sign. A BCN nurse said 2 years to us recently.

My question is is this just a number game and has anyone else been given such information.

My TNBC was stage 1 grade 3.

Being realistic I know the we can never say the cancer will not return.  I am curious what other people have been told.

Thanks for your help.

  • Hello,

    My understanding of it is that as each year goes on the percentage of it reoccurring decreases.

    My BCN said that I would be with her for 5 years after - lucky her ha!

    Try not to think of reoccurrence and enjoy life :-) xx

  • There have been a number of large cohort studies of people whose TNBC has recurred where the median time to recurrence was around 2 years, ie half within 2 years and half longer than that. I was told it was unlikely to recur if I got through 5 years - sadly I found out very quickly that I did have secondary spread to my liver, probably there de novo. 

  • Thanks that is helpful.  I don't think about it but my annual meeting with my breast consultant brings things back.  Like you this is for 5 years since diagnosis which was February 22. 

  • I am sorry that your cancer returned.  One can never say never but keep to the positives.

    Thanks for replying to my post

  • Hi, I’m a year on from diagnosis. I had 6 months of chemotherapy and immunotherapy before surgery and radiotherapy. Unfortunately I had no pathological response to the treatment therefore I have a high risk of reoccurrence, so now on clinical trial. Currently on IV every 3 weeks Pembro and 2 weeks on 1 off of oral chemotherapy Capecitabine.

    I’ve not had a proper discussion with oncologist about reoccurrence only that I’m high risk. I have however read online that each year that passes reduces the risk of it coming back. I’m grateful to be getting preventative treatment and can’t imagine the worry once I finish treatment. Obviously I went to be over the treatment but then again going it alone is a scary thought.

  • What surgery did you have? Did they not gain clear margins? 

    How long are you having preventative treatment for?xx

  • I had a lumpectomy and a SLNB. Yes I had clear margin and the 3 lymph nodes were clear of cancer. Having chemotherapy and immunotherapy before surgery allowed them to see how the tumour would react to treatment. For me I had no pathological response. The tumour did not shrink, at all. For this reason I am at high risk of reoccurrence. I don’t have the BRACA gene.

    I have another 4 3week cycles of Pembro and Capecitabine then another 1 of Pembro. Then we’ll see after that. I will have that bone treatment but can’t remember what it’s called. 

    So my tumour has been removed but they have concerns about reoccurrence. I was diagnosed with Stage 11 grade 3.

  • Oh gosh. This scares me. Mine had a partial response but I feel like it has grown since chemo has finished. 
    They stopped the immuno for me due to a reaction but they’re not sure now whether it was chemo and not the immuno. 

    I guess I will be high risk reoccurrence too. I don’t have the BRAC gene either. 

    thank you. Good luck with your journey xx

  • Good luck to you also Blush

  • Good luck to you Missy219,

    you replied to my messages o here a few months ago when I was first diagnosed. I’m half way through now, grade 3, stage 2, no BRAC gene also. 

    good luck also to you Darlek. I’ve found joining a few sessions on good nutrition with Penny Brohn, the cancer charity, has helped me to focus on the present. Also Future Dreams, another charity who offer gentle movement classes have been helpful.