Numbness in finger tips chemo side effect and thrush in throat for weeks

  • 5 replies
  • 31 subscribers


I’m struggling with side effects from chemo.  I’m on EC and docetaxol

I’ve had thrush in my mouth and throat for 3 week. The mouth is improving but the throat is still painful.   I’ve been given the strongest meds there are.   Anyone else had this problem and got some positive stories

I’ve also developed numbness in my finger tips.   Something I was warned about.   Has anyone else had this and did they recover

4rh chemo out of 6 Friday.   

thank you  

  • I don't know what would help existing numbness but you can get chemo cold gloves to help prevent neuropathy caused by chemo. You wear them during chemo to reduce blood flow to hands ( & there are socks for feet also), and hence prevent some of the harmful chemo chemicals reaching  the hands and feet.Works like a cold cap. Look online.

  • Hi Southend

    I had some numbness in my hands when I was on Chemo but once chemo finished the numbness disappeared after a while.

    Wishing you the best of luck with the rest of your treatment.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Southend. 
    This may be a long shot but I experienced numbness in fingers and feet while having Paclitaxel Carboplatin last year. My oncologist prescribed vitamin B6- Pyridoxine tablets which helped-it was on private medical through my work but my GP did provide a repeat prescription.

    My symptoms went away after chemo.

    Best wishes for rest of your treatment.

  • Hi Southend,

    I had all of what you are saying and luckily, I’m back to ‘normal’ now chemo has ended. 

    Have you got a throat infection as opposed to thrush? Has it been swabbed and tested? 
    I had a throat infection while on EC and then they thought I’d got it again but it wasn’t - just very red and annoying! 

    Good luck and hope they subside soon x

  • Did you get given a mouthwash? I was given Difflam a Nystan when I had a mouth infection during chemo. 

    I finished chemo the end of June, my numbness in my fingers has improved but my feet not so much so far. They feel like they are cold constantly but they aren’t physically cold.