• 3 replies
  • 28 subscribers

hello fellow warriors Kissing heart  Has anyone ever heard of neuropathy in the FACE ?   Ive had tingling under my left eye which has gradually spread down my cheek to under my jaw bone.  Spoke to my oncologist who said she hadnt heard of this but doing some research online apparently it can happen.  Anyone else ex perienced this ?  Thanks 

  • Hello Swift15

    I have neuropathy after my chemotherapy for womb cancer last year.

    It started in my my fingers and toes and has sort of settled on my lower legs and arms. It is interesting that you mention about your face because I do find I have some funny sensations on my head and face. I did use the cooling cap and always wondered if it irritated a nerve or something but it makes sense that it could be due to the chemo.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I get a tingly sensation down my face and scalp. It seems to move about. 

  • I had peripheral neuropathy in my face. It started above my lip, under my nose and then spread to my jaw on the opposite side. I choked on a sandwich. They stopped the paciltaxil at eight weeks instead of twelve. It's gone in my face, but remained in my feet, legs and fingers. I'm sure it's still in my tongue.