Peripheral Neuropathy

  • 5 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi, newbie here, just wondering how you're all doing with regards to peripheral neuropathy.

  • Hi I got it quite severe I’m my hands about my third last week treatment. We still managed to do the second last session but had to cancel the last session as my hands were sore and numb all the time from the wrist down to my fingertips. I also had a chemo rash and got a steroid cream for this which helped. I’m four weeks off the chemo today and they are much better. Still have the numbness in my fingers tips. My oncologist prescribed 25m amitriptyline which I’m still taking. Xxx

  • Hi Abigail and thanks for the reply.  Did you know it might happen and did you do the cold therapy? 

    I ask cos I'm a musician due to start chemo next week. 

    I've not been staged or graded yet and a MRI is not scheduled until the week after I start the chemo.

    Been having medical issues for a while but just recently found out TNBC causing them. Have short twinges of nerve pain, band and sock sensations and if they're a warning to what peripheral neuropathy might feel like,  I'm not keen!

    All the best x

  • Hi I was told the paclitaxel caused my neuropathy. I was getting this chemo weekly… 9 sessions but had to give up after the eighth. I didn’t do any cold therapy as this was never mentioned. Do you know what chemo you will be on? I was on EC first 3 months then 9 weekly pac with Carbo given every 3rd week. I know other people on same treatment who haven’t had neuropathy. Maybe I was unlucky….check with oncologist if you suffer from nerve pain to see what he says. X

  • Hey Abigail,

    Paclitaxel weekly for 12 weeks, carboplatin every 3 weeks for 4wks, AC every 2 weeks x 4 sessions 8weeks total

    And that's as I look at what they wrote....not got it figured in my head yet :)   Not due to see the oncologist to talk until after the chemo.  Also got clotting issues (having pulmonary embolisms) so not a great place to go into chemo from. 

    Only just seen about the Cold Therapy today.  Got to be worth investigating. x

  • Definitely if I had know I would have tried it also. Good luck xxx