Lumpectomy after care

  • 5 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Hi all. Hope everyone is ok. It’s been a week since my lumpectomy and lymph node biopsy and the nurse said I could take the dressing off. I’m very nervous to take it off! Once it’s off can I soak in the bath or not? Can I use bubbles and bath stuff or is it best not to? I’m doing my arm exercises  but it’s still very painful and sore and I’m guarding it a lot. Is this normal? Thanks 

  • FormerMember

    Hi    had the same op as you have had and tbh was glad to get the dressing off as it made me itch unwelcome after all the surgery but what a relief as the skin could 'breathe' and had a oh so welcome bath without bubbles for 2  weeks and put a shower cap over 'beryl' to keep it dry and could then use gentle soap for the rest of me.   Hope this helps. Healing vibes going your way.  

  • That’s great! Thank you so much. I’m going to run a bath now and get it off! Wish me luck! 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Cereza

    Hello again, just wondering if it went alright after the bath and stitches are ok now the dressing is off now it's the start of the slow healing process.   Just off at a slight tangent for the life of me I could not wear the special support bra they give after the op I tried but heck it was painful digging in to old operation scars so I used like a small handmade cushion for support when sleeping and a soft cotton sarong for gentle uplift in the day time.   Just a suggestion to try maybe if you or anyone else who reads this is in a similar situation  xx

  • Hi thanks for asking. unfortunately it’s not going so well since I took the dressing off. Think I’ve got a seroma. It’s red and sore and very painful. Feel like I’ve gone backwards. I rang the nurse and she said it’s normal and take more painkillers. I’ve taken the bra off. I have very small boobs so don’t need the support really. I was wearing it more to protect the scar. Thanks again hope you’re ok x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Cereza

    Aww hope it clears up soon for you      Can family or anyone else help ?   Well you asked t y for that and tbh am shivering big time so gonna stay indoors for the w/e and keep warm food in fridge might make some jewellery gorgeous earrings for local charity    Oh yes if my 'Beryl'  gets hot or itchy then I get a big cotton hankie fold into a  square and dip in luke warm water like a comfortable pad and this might be soothing, just a thought.    Your nurse should be able to prescribe for the seroma or even a local pharmacy if its quicker to get it sorted  x