Grade 3 diagnosis

  • 8 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Hi I’m 41 and have just been diagnosed with grade 3 triple negative breast cancer. Just looking for any advice as I have no idea what to expect. Im a teacher in a secondary school and they’ve told me I can’t go to school in case I get covid before my op on 19th. Will I be able to go back to work after my op? How long after op does the radiotherapy start? Thanks 

  • Hello Cereza,

    I am sorry to read of your triple negative diagnosis.

    It is good to keep away from work as you don`t want to risk anything that could delay your op on 19th.

    You could contact your oncology team and they will advise you of the treatment plan, a breast care nurse is a very good port of call,

    they can give you advise on benefits treatment etc, well worth a call.

    You will be given advice on when a return to work is possible, if you have chemo it can knock you for six and work will be the last thing

    on your mind.

    Hope this helps and all goes well on 19th.


  • Hi Cereza

    Welcome and sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. Radiotherapy usually starts about four weeks after an operation to give your wound time to heal. You will have a planning meeting with your radiotherapy team before you start. You’ll be given a CT Scan in order to line you up for the radiotherapy and they will put about three small tattoos on your upper body so that they know where to zap you with the radiotherapy machine. They are so small you’d hardly notice them. You may have to do a breath hold. It depends on whether your treatment side is on the left. It’s not too difficult, your radiotherapist will talk you through it. At your planning meeting they will go through the possible side effects of the treatment and what to do if you experience any.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your op on the 19th and your radiotherapy.

    Best wishes


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  • Thank you! I’m loving all this advice! Really helpful Thumbsup

  • Tattoos! As in they will be there forever! Well - whatever it takes I suppose! Thanks for the info x

  • Dear Cereza

    Don`t worry about the tattoos, in most cases they are tiny, about the size of a dot of ink from a ballpoint


    We are here to help you.


  • Hi Cereza, I hope you are doing ok and that your operation went as expected. I have TNBC grade 3 which I discovered almost a year ago. I had surgery first and then a long 13 week wait before Chemotherapy started. Just had my last chemo a few days ago and should get started with Radiotherapy in 4 weeks.

    I've been very lucky to be able to work from home during my treatment, kept me feeling a little bit in control of my life. I  had  ten days off and ten back at work between cycles.

    I just want to get to a point where I don't wake up every day and the first thing I think about is 'Ive got bloody Cancer'!

    All the best in your recovery x

  • Hi Julzee,

    Thanks for your message. Sounds like a long journey.  Glad to hear you’ve had your last chemo though! Why did you have to wait 13 weeks before chemo? 
    My surgery went well thanks. I’m glad it’s out. Just nervous about the results now. 
    Yeah cancer is all I think and talk about now and it’s doing my head in already! 
    I’m off to do my arm exercises! Good luck with your radiotherapy x

  • Hi Cereza, glad your surgery is over and your onto the next step. They told me it's usually 8 to 10 weeks after surgery for Chemo to start but I think Covid delays made the wait even longer. It was a worry and I hope I'm not delayed again for Radiotherapy. 
