Alcohol and breast cancer

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  • 29 subscribers


ive had lumpectomy chemo and just finished Radiotherapy. 
I used to drink a lot, a bottle of wine plus per night. 
I’ve now greatly reduced this, I have one or two amerttos a night or a small glass of wine, some nights nothing. I also barely eat much dairy, I haven’t for  years. Also no animal meat for 37 years.
however my very healthy sister says this is still far too much booze and I should really stop completely. 
even the chocs I got from my dad today are no good. 
If I had willpower then yes.  It’s not like smoking there is no substitute for alcohol.  I’m home schooling too and it’s been hard finding childcare while having treatment etc. Anyway.. am I still overdoing it or do I deserve these treats lol.. what do others think please. 
thanks for reading 

Jane x