88 yr old Mum diagnosed with advanced breast cancer November 2019

  • 3 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Mum was diagnosed with advanced ER+ breast cancer. I don’t know what to do, or how to help her. She is immobile, with copd, and borderline diabetic. She was given Letizole, I think that’s how you say it. She sleeps a lot, and obviously very tired all the time. She has a 5cm tumour in her left breast, it has spread into her lymph nodes, calcification under her right arm. I asked if it was palliative care, the consultant was quite abrupt, and said no. I asked what the prognosis was, and he said if these don’t work, we can try other tablets. Just wish someone could be straight with me.

mum lives on her own, I work 4 days a week. I am there the other 3 days. My daughters got the other days, sorry for the long post, just don’t know what to expect. Any advice would be appreciated x

  • FormerMember


    So sorry to see you joining us here and reading about your poor mum :-/

    Are they saying because of her age and with COPD and borderline diabetes issues surgery isn't an option ?

    Letrozole for those who cannot have surgery or chemo is a good option but it takes a long course of these daily tablets to shrink a tumour down so she will be taking these indefinitely.

    The normal route would be surgery, chemo, radiotherapy and tablets.  The daily tablets are only given to those who are ER/PR+ Positive so because of this she isn't actually Triple Negative - However there is a very active (and friendly) Main Breast Group here you should join.

    The Letrozole tablets remove oestrogen from her system which being ER+ will be feeding her cancer cells.

    Hope this is of some help for now, will keep a lookout for you in the other breast group.

    Take care, G n' J

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thankyou, yes because of her underlying issues, they cannot operate.

    they put markers into her breast, so when we went back on the 6th February, I expected at least a scan. But he got a ruler with a little vice on that he was trying to measure her lump, he just said see you in 3 months! I asked the prognosis, he sighed, and said if these tablets don’t work, we have others we can try. We were in ten minutes, just felt we we’re getting fobbed off. Not being here before, hence why I thought I would ask on here. Thankyou for your help x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Ruler! Face palm  I can understand not expecting to see anything different after just 3 months (6 months possibly) on Letrozole but really, whatever was he thinking :-/

    An ultrasound scan would have only taken a few minutes and been far more professional (sigh) no wonder you feel 'fobbed off'

    The few ladies in the main breast group who have been placed on letrozole to shrink tumours instead of chemo but were on this for at least a year prior to their surgery and your mum isn't being given surgery so I would be more inclined to think that although not strictly palliative, they are trying to manage this long term rather than actually curing it ?

    Hopefully I am wrong but only time will tell - the side effects from letrozole will probably make her feel a bit down too as they can cause bone and joint aches and over time bone thinning. Has she been given any calcium build up meds ?

    You won't find any Letrozole messages here as Triple Negative ladies aren't given it.

    G n' J