Is chemo always offered for TNBC ?

  • 13 replies
  • 33 subscribers
  • Going for my post op results tomorrow (grade 2 TNBC, 1.6 and 0.5 in left breast, lymph nodes thought to be clear).
  • I had wide excision and sentinel node biopsy.
  • Petrified I may not be offered chemotherapy.
  • Are triple neg patients always offered chemo ????
  • I had tripple neg and got offered chemo


    I think so as there’s few other treatment options. Not 100% but everyone I’ve spoken to with TNBC has had chemo either before or after op. 

  • Thanks for replying. My tumours were thought to be small based on pre op imaging. 1.6mm and 0.5mm this is why I'm scared they might not offer me chemo 

  • You will be offered chemo so please dont worry

  • Your very welcome try not to worry

  • Hi 

    I had 1.6 tumour grade 3 TN had lumpectomy then chemo . TNBC is aggressive so you will have chemo . Good luck with your journey x

  • Hi Vibby

    I too had both radiotherapy and chemo for my TBNC, both my tumours were large, so had chemo to shrink them before surgery, and then radiotherapy 

    As TNBC is a more agressive cancer, chemo is given.

    You will be fine and try not to stress to much. Your breast care team will look after you.

    All the best

  • Thanks to all those who replied to me.

    Just returned from my appointment with the surgeon.

    Margins all clear and negative sentinel node biopsy.

    Confirmed grade 3 triple neg, stage 1.

    More waiting now to see oncologist next week. The surgeon phrased it as "to discuss the options", she did confirm I'd need radiotherapy at the end and that she'd offer lipo sculpting 6 months are radiotherapy if I wanted it to fill any dents etc.

    So another week of waiting. !!!! Everyone around me really excited that the surgery bit is done, me not so much.

    Just my mindset today I think. Xx

  • The surgeon will leave the recommendation to the oncologist. I asked the oncologist how strong her recommendation to have chemo was (grade 3 TNBC, clear margins, no lymph node Involvement, but vascular invasion at the tumour site). I took her word for it when she answered “very”. The first oncology appointment witll go through risks and benefits, give you information on the suggested treatments, and then send you away to think about it. They seek consent at a second appointment.