GATA3 positive

  • 1 reply
  • 23 subscribers


Newly diagnosed triple negative stage 2. Trying to understand my histology report. 

Im a nurse myself but this is not my specialism.

So complicated,  

It says GATA3 positive  HER-2 Negative IDC

So complicated,  help ! Need understanding to try and regain some kind of control Cry

  • Hi vivienne

    Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with stage 2 triple negative.  There is a section on the Macmillan site called "Ask a nurse" in which you could put your question though you will need to wait for a few days for an answer.  Here the link to Ask a nurse: Ask a Nurse .

    Wishing you the best of luck with your treatment.

    Best wishes


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