EC + Paclitaxel treatment plan..

  • 8 replies
  • 26 subscribers


So my wife who is 39 has completed her chemo which was 4 X EC and then 12 X Paclitaxiel. She was diagnosed with 23mm tumour, no node involvement. After she completed the EC treatment, an ultrasound showed that the tumour had shrunk to 11mm. It was then decided she would have 12 X weekly Paclitaxel, and the oncologist decided not to add platinum. 

My wife's genetic testing also can back negative which was good news. 

I she that many women seem to have carboplatinum with Paclitaxel. Just bothers me why they decided not to add it to my wife's treatment plan. I guess everyone is individual and plans are tailored to you etc.

Since completing all the chemo, the tumour is very difficult to find now. We did see the surgeon today and he said after examining that it's disappeared. MRI is booked prior to surgery to confirm everything.

Is there others out there who never had platinum and doing well etc?

  • Hi as you have said yourself treatment plans are tailored to each individual and your wife's treatment plan seems to have worked very well for her so I don't think you need to worry about why she was or wasn't prescribed something.  If you need to know to put your mind at ease then the best people to ask is you wife's medical team as it really only them who would be able to give you the most reliable and accurate answer.

    Very happy for you that your wife has responded so well to her treatment.

    Wishing you both all the best.

  • It may be the size. Mine was 85mm and I had carbo with docetaxel

  • Hi there,

    Ive just written a general post but wondered what your mid chemo ultrasound had shown…if your hospital gave one. Did you have a good response for the first half? I was a tad disappointed with the result today and I’m not looking forward to waiting over a week to see the onco.

    Hope you’re doing ok and having a relaxing half term…I see you are a teacher too.


  • I've not had a mid way scan. But the lump was visible hard and angry hot plus my nipple was inverted. I can't feel the lump at all now and my nipple has come out. I was assured that is a sign that it is working. 

  • Sorry yes I am a head of IT and computer science at secondary. I've not been to work since June so every day is half term at the moment. I do miss it though. 

    Hope yours is good too 

  • Oh that's sounding good. How far through chemo are you?

  • Meant to ask if EC or Carbo/plactol was the better chemo

  • I've just done my last FEc. I did two. Prior to that four docetaxel Carboplatin. They are both different. Lots of effects on carbo docetaxel like pain and sore mouth. FEC is more tired and dizzy.