Thyroid nodule Thy3a U3 not taken seriously

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Hi all, 

I am at my wits end with doctors etc and just looking for some advice and to check I am not going mad. I will try to keep this short, I have had a low TSH level and subclinical hyperthyroidism for over 2 years now but because T3 and T4 are fine no treatment was given. I found a lump when swallowing and as a singer noticed my voice became lower and croaky, I had a thyroid scan and they found two small nodules, 8mm (U2) and 4mm (U3) when I went to an ENT privately they said they don't tend to biopsy them and when I turned up for the scan and biopsy they turned me away and said it was nothing to worry about. Fast forward a few months and my endocrinologist insisted I have a rescan. I have a known benign pituitary microadeoma and lots of endocrine issues. When I went this time, the radiologist went very quiet and got in cytology and insisted on a Biopsy right away. 7 days later I got a call from my endocrinologist telling me I was being referred to ENT surgeon on 2 week cancer pathway as the results were Thy3 and show suspicious cells and that they needed to discuss at an MDT meeting, I was a state and tried to find out more information so spoke to another endocrinologist and my GP who both told me I would most like be having a hemithyroidectomy and to prepare myself, I was also told there were malignant cells in the biopsy and could not exclude papillary thyroid carcinoma they also said size doesn't matter when it comes to thyroid cancer as I had said it was very small.

I have been waiting two weeks and phoning for cancellations, I had a call today from the ENT telling me not to panic and there would be no MDT for something this small and there's no way they would offer me surgery, it would be scans every so often for a few YEARS! Basically made me feel like a total fraud and that I had been panicking for no reason! I don't know what to think or what to do... I don't really want something potentially cancerous growing away even if it is slow. Has anyone experienced this? 

My biopsy report is as follows:

Cellular direct smears include flat sheets, groups

Occasional intranuclear grooves and intranuclear inclusions are seen,

Few microfollicle formation seen.

Multinucleated macrophages and scanty thick colloid is seen..

Papillary carcinoma cannot be excluded..


Fine Needle Aspirate, Thryoid, left lobe - Thy 3a

Papillary carcinoma cannot be excluded.

  • Hi TrinityTrace,

    So sorry to hear this, how are you doing now? Did you have to have iodine treatment? I just can't get my head around the fact that they don't always offer treatment for thy3 even though I have read a lot of people have the surgery and it turns out to be cancer! I have my appointment today so any tips are appreciated! 

  • Hope it goes well and you get the answers you need today and a clear plan to move forward with x