Statins and Levothyroxine post thyroid removal

  • 7 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Hi everyone

i Have been in a 2 year rollercoaster having had pituitary surgery and more recently thyroid removal due to papillary thyroid cancer, follicular variant.  
just when thought I had things under control, blood have shown I have high cholesterol and so I am told I need to take statins!  I have already put on weight post thyroid removal and now read that statins will also cause weight gain.  I know in the grand scheme of things it’s trivial but I have battled with weight for mist of  my life so this is so important to me .

I’m also so worried about another pill, muscle pain that’s possible, weight gain ….. 

has anyone else had to go down this road that can tell me anything about their experience of statins with kevothyrixine meds at same time !  I so need some friendly advice as every time I think I’m in a better path, another boulder gets thrown in front of me !


  • Hi Jan, I'm sorry to hear you're having to deal with this on top now.

    I don't know how helpful this will be but I asked a friend who is on statins and he said the brand he's on now don't affect his weight at all. He had to change brands twice to get it right though. The previous ones caused him muscle and joint pain and a slight weight increase. So if you're not happy with the first brand the GP gives you, then insist on changing it. He has 2 brothers who had similar effects on the cheaper brands too and have now both changed to the same brand as him and also have no issues now. His cholesterol is really good now too!

    Sorry I can't help with Levo/statin interaction but hope this has been of some use and I wish you all the best.


    Medullary Thyroid cancer dx May 2023

  • Thank you so much for this advice I’m so grateful I don’t suppose you know which brand they switched to?  I’m being prescribed it from a cardiologist but no idea yet which one so I’ll see if I can find out

    thanks again I can’t tell you how comforting is to have some help and support outside of my family who I hate to keep causing worry


  • I'm pleased that helped a bit. The brand name was Rosuvastatin. 

    This forum has helped me when like you, I didn't want to burden my daughter with it all. So if I can help in return that's great. Hopefully someone with experience of being on both meds replies too. 

    Let us know how you get on, it may help others going forward in a similar situation. X

    Medullary Thyroid cancer dx May 2023

  • Thank you for the advice and def I hope it will help othere  facing similar issues with statins.  I’ll post updates as my experience with them develops.  I’m def having a pill  box for as I’m taking all sortsJoy  Thanks again for your very welcome advice x

  • I meant pI’ll  box for Christmas this year!

  • Oh Crikey pill box I meant JoyJoyJoy

  • don't you just love autocorrect Laughing

    Medullary Thyroid cancer dx May 2023