Critical illness

  • 1 reply
  • 29 subscribers


I am looking for a bit of advice/experience from other members.
I had a hemithyroidectomy in 2022 for a nodule which thankfully turned out to be benign. There was an incidental finding of a papillary microcarcinoma T1a (less than 1cm) which has been full excised with no extra thyroid extension. 

I have been advised to check if I can claim on my critical illness policy with Legal and General which is from 2015. They don’t specifically exclude specific stages of thyroid cancers in the definitions but they do state the following would be excluded: 

Non-invasive, pre-malignant, borderline malignancy, low malignant potential. 

I wonder if anyone has any experience of claiming for this stage of thyroid cancer? Is it likely to be rejected due to the size? I plan to submit a claim anyway and see what happens… but trying to get an idea of whether it is likely to be successful. 

Thanks very much

  • Hi  

    Welcome to our community though always a little bit sad to see a new member join our special club.

    No direct experience myself but there was quite a positive thread on this here that might be of interest.

    Best of luck



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