Admission letter

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Hi I never received my admission letter for thyroidectomy which is on 10th July. I rang the admission team and they said it did not matter as someone will call me day before surgery I just wondered if there was any other preparation I no I can't eat for six hours before and have  been given wipes to clean with. I don't know why they could not resend the letter. Just concerned I should have a admission letter. I guess I'll just tell them when they ring.

  • Hi Miss mole, that's an extra worry I'm sure you could do without! Perhaps you could ask them to email you the letter. Or you ask your Clinical Nurse Specialist to email it. If not, try not to worry I'm sure they'll cover everything in the phone call. Just have a pen and notepad handy so you can write it all down. Easy to forget things when you're anxious. Hope it goes well.

  • Apart from the stop eating and drinking and washing did you have any other restrictions before surgery. I'm not sure if clinical nurse would know as I'm with 2 hospitals. My clinical nurse is melanoma  and thyroid but it's in oncology department. I guess if admission is saying its ok. It must be OK. I did asks  admission  team but they said it does not matter.

  • Hi I had surgery yesterday it went ok apart from having to stay another night because of blood drain so hopefully I'll be allowed out tomorrow blood tests are fine voice is fine just swallowing is a bit uncomfortable. It is boring in hospital.