Tightness in neck

  • 4 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Hi everyone

I was treated for thyroid cancer over 8 years ago. I had a TT and neck dissection. Since the operation I have had issues with the left side of my neck and shoulder due to nerve damage. Most of the time the pain is mild but at times it very painful. It gets worse if I feel stressed. I have been going through a very stressful time recently after a bereavement. For past 2 weeks pain in my neck and shoulder has been very bad. It's probably stress but I have started to worry about lymphedema. I never have had issues with this but now I can't stop thinking about it. I cannot see swelling but it does feel tight but not hard in my neck. 

I am thinking I should just see my GP to get some reassurance. I am wondering if anyone else has had these concerns?

  • Hi berlinbaby, sorry to hear after 8 years you're still getting pain and tightness in your neck and shoulders. Sounds like I'm on a similar road to you as I had the same op a year ago, TT bilateral neck dissection and also chest dissection. Like you, I still have such pain in my neck and shoulders. Are you still able to contact your CNS or did they sign you off? If not I would definitely go to your GP if you can't get directly in touch with your consultant and get a referral.
    My neck is so tight I feel strangled every day! But mine's been like that since the op and the consultant just says that's how it is after these types of invasive ops and he hopes it'll improve. But you're right, the neck and the shoulder pain does get worse with stress (and cold!), so you may be onto something that it could be down to your recent bereavement. Sorry to hear you've had to go through that too.
    I'm not really much help I'm afraid, just wanted to say hi and going through same really x

  • Hi k9crazy

    Thanks for your comment, its really kind of you. I also feel like I am being strangled but its got less as the years have gone by. I have been left with some nerve damage in my left neck and shoulder which I have learned to accept. I think when I posted yesterday I was feeling very low. I dont think I have lymphedema, I think I am just very stressed and had forgotten how bad stress affects this area of my body. I still see a consultant once a year and was examined last month and he said everything was really good and perect blood test results. I have had less pain since I realised I am just very low at the moment. I think like most people who have been through cancer, there are times when I just worry about my health.

    Sorry you are in pain and things feel tight, I promise you things do keep improving and eventually you just get used to your neck having a new sensation.

    Thanks again and take care x

  • There are definitely bad days and better days! I'm glad you're able to reflect today and think it was mainly due to the stress. Interesting isn't it how much we feel through our necks/throats. Never gave it a second thought before all this! 

    Also really good you're still given a yearly check by the consultant still, I've wondered about this. Yes it doesn't matter how much we're told by the consultant all feels fine, there's always that nagging doubt now about our health.

    Thank you for your kind comments that things will still improve given time, it gives me hope to hear it from someone who has had a similar op. That's why this forum is so good. I do agree I'm slowly getting used to living with most of it now.

    I hope things improve for you too :) x

  • Hi again

    Thanks for your reply, you are so kind. Today my neck hasnt really bothered me at all, so yes, I was just stressed. I have been told I will be seen by a consultant for 10 years as there was a lot of spread to lymph nodes.

    Keep moving your neck and massaging it and you will see a huge difference. It took me about 18 months for things to settle down and then the pain reduced a lot and now the majority of the time its just a sensation. I do feel like my scar has become a kind of barometer for my emotions. If I am calm, my scar is calm. Hope that makes sense.

    Best of luck with everything :) x