Radioiodine treatment and infection?

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  • 28 subscribers

Hey guys

Not been well last few days felt nauseous, had diarrhoea, aching inside, lower back pain, they gave me antibiotics just in case before my samples were back seeing as I'm getting my Radioiodine treatment next Wednesday but doctor rang yesterday with blood results saying I needed to go to A and E as liver enzymes were high, c reactive protein, ggt liver function high.

A full 6 hours later I have apparently two infections going on, but liver enzymes going down but the GGT liver went up, she says might be just because liver is sensitive but didn't really have an answer as to why  anyway sent home with strong antibiotics for 10 days... Please tell me I can still have my treatment next week? I know it's different than chemo and radiotherapy I'm just hoping I can still get this done and hopefully start getting past this. Anyone know?

  • I suspect that if there is any risk of you throwing up, they'd be reluctant to risk you 'wasting' you radioactive capsule. But quite possibly they can give you an anti emetic to stop that happening.

    Best wishes


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