Neck swelling

  • 1 reply
  • 28 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I got told that I have papillary thyroid cancer a few weeks ago, and so far up until this week the only symptom I have is the thyroid tumour bump on the front of my neck.  A few days ago I had a bit of an ache in my neck and noticed swelling to the right of the bump and up round the side of my neck. Has anyone else experienced this, should it be something I should be concerned about? I'm debating ringing the thyroid cancer nurse and asking her about it. I only have 3 weeks till my surgery for a total thyroidectomy.

  • If you are worried about anything and you have a number to call, then call and put your mind at rest.

    It's highly unlikely that there's anything bad going on. But I remember whilst I was waiting for my first op, I was absolutely obsessed with my lump and convinced it was getting bigger every time I looked at it. If you've been prodded and poked in recent days, it could be you've got a bit of bruising or swelling.

    It'll all be sorted soon but call if you want to. or ignore it and it probably won't be a problem.

    You could try an ice pack in the meantime whilst you decide.

    (what I think you probably want to know is that Pap TC doesn't suddenly go into overdrive and grow in just a few days - it's not going to be cancer throwing a party in your thyroid).

    Best wishes


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