
  • 3 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Has  anyone  every had a  mengionma in the olfactory groove  if  so  what has  been  done  ,  plans,  and etc..  Would  appreciate  any  information  cant find  much stuff on it  and  etc..

  • Hi  

    If nobody from the group is able to help with this question, you could post in the ask a nurse section of the online community and one of the cancer specialist nurses will aim to reply within 3 working days. They are also available on the Macmillan Support Line and you can contact them free on 0808 808 0000 every day from 8am to 8pm.


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  • Hi. You didn't get any answers to your post. I'm in the.same position as you and want to learn more about radiotherapy for my olfactory groove meningioma. How did you get on. Any info appreciated. Louise

  • I had a quick google and I suspect this is a question that you need to ask in the brain tumours group.
    I don't see the link to thyroid cancer - but forgive me if I missed something. 

    Best wishes


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