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About 3 month ago I started getting breathless now and then and noticed a lump in the left side of my neck, went for ultrasound and biopsy where they found numerous other swollen lymph nodes down my left side and took 3 biopsies from one of them, which after over a month came back reactive. Whilst waiting for my results I noticed 2 lumps, 1 large on the left of my thyroid and I have became worse, having heart palpitations all the time, constantly breathless and pretty much bed ridden, I've had ecgs, bloods , chest xrays, blood pressure and blood oxygen done numerous times and have been told all normal every time. I've been on anxiety meds 3 weeks now and they haven't touched the sides, I'm getting worse every day, I can't sleep because of the breathlessness, I'm so fed up Disappointed I have an ultrasound on Friday on my thyroid but I honestly can't cope. Did anyone else have similar symptoms? I'm also having trouble swallowing.

  • Hi Laura Nicole

    I’m sorry you’re having such a tough time at the moment. My cancer presented as a lump in my neck I was also slightly hoarse but I’m not sure whether that was related. I’ve also had heart palpitations throughout my life - worse in stressful times and also now because of the high level of thyroxine I’m on. Going for tests and waiting for results is very stressful but try to take reassurance from the normal results you are getting. Apparently lumps on the thyroid are common but cancer is not and even if it is thyroid cancer it’s very treatable. It’s good that everything is being investigated and hopefully you’ll get positive results about your thyroid  - there’s a lot of expertise on this forum should you need it. Sending you lots of positive vibes 

  • Do you have any more news yet? I can imagine your US results might have been delayed over Christmas.

    Best wishes


    “Scars are tattoos with better stories.” – Anonymous

  • Finally got the results of reactive nodes, reactive to what yet I don't know and they don't seem bothered, breathlessness is worse than ever though I'm done in

  • I did have similar problems @Laura nicole although nowhere near as bad as you sound.  My problem turned out to the be fact the tumour was attached to the rh side of my thyroid and the surgeon said my thyroid virtually came off with the cancer.  I had swallowing problems, and a couple of instances where I almost choked without eating or drinking, just swallowing, so had to be careful.  Prior to the op I was told my rh side vocal cord was paralysed and probably wouldn't work again and it hasn't.  My voice was fine though before the op, but not since.  (Op at the end of July 2022).  I am now under the Voice Clinic and awaiting an operation on my vocal cords as they do not meet, the rh side paralysed does not meet the left hand side, so the operation will be to fill that so I am not as breathless and breathy when I talk.  They should close together and open and close when your speak, and can make you breathless if this doesn't happen.  Have you had your vocal cords examined at all?  I already have Asthma which I don't think has helped, but it was manageable.  Can you try sitting up when you sleep which may help.  I bought a V shaped pillow for after my op but have only just stopped using it to be honest, I found it better to be propped up than laid flat.