Tight neck

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I had my TT end of February and RAI in May this year. Healing well but I have now developed what I thought were “old” symptoms. My neck feels really tight and throat a bit soar. It comes and goes. I am now bending my head when I swallow as I’m scared of straining anything! Am I still healing? Thought I had passed this stage. Still panic every now and then. Xx

  • Hi lovely. I will tell you my story.

    For 6 weeks after TT I was struggling a lot with my neck/wound/tight feeling aroud it. I was sure it will never pass. And then suddenly it did. But then another disappoinment came - RAI caused the swelling and tightness to come back with vengeance. I was sooo disappointed and fed up. It lasted about 4 weeks after RAI and I could literally cry. But now after 7.5 weeks after RAI I feel ok once again. I don't think it will ever go back to my pre surgery feeling. All of that layers in the neck that were cut need to leave some damage (my scar goes from my ear to front of my neck as had neck dissection as well). But comparing to how I was feeling twice after the treatment I am much better now. Macmillan nurse actually told me to get it checked after RAI as she said it shouldn't last that long (that swelling) but as I was abroad when I got that message I just had to wait to come back to UK in which time swelling had gone. Nevertheless if you feel you are struggling and are worried maybe try to get in contact with surgeon/oncologist/GP and ask if it is normal.to feel like that. Take care xx

  • Hi Isabellfel thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me. I took some ibuprofen this evening and my neck seems to feel a bit better. I think I was panicking and my thoughts were running away with me! I’m also going back to work next week and things there have changed so I’m a bit apprehensive. It has only been 5 months since my TT and neck dissection and  nearly  3 months since RAI. My full body scan was all good too. I just need to keep calm and do my deep breathing! Xx

  • Yes probably stress of going back to work is not helping. I have done two shifts now and I have been fine.

    On the neck issue: I noticed that when it is hot outside my wound goes tight but only for some time.

    Good luck with work and hopefully your neck will be fine in the end xx

  • Thank you so much and all the very best to you too xx

  • I am only 16 days post surgery but the feeling of tightness in my neck and a tingling sensation in my chest just under the collar bone (had TT and central and rh side dissection) and it's just under this.  I hadn't envisaged this and I suppose I was busy concentrating on the operation and I didn't think about afterwards and the healing process.  I am still quite swollen and wonder how long it takes the swelling to go down, very hoarse too especially when tired and I have talked too much.  Last night I started with what feels like the start of a sore throat also on the rh side but hasn't developed but feels as if I am starting with one when I swallow.  I know I shouldn't expect too much but I do keep reading about other peoples' experiences and not everyone feels fine even after weeks/months/sometimes years later.

  • I don't suppose the feeling of waiting for something to go wrong will ever leave us after a cancer diagnoses @Dexx like you I have been scared of coughing or moving my neck without thinking and straining something.  Early days for me at 16 days post op, but I can understand how you feel.

  • Hi Petal66. Gosh it is very early days for you after your surgery! I remember feeling lots of sensations and they went as quickly as they came. I counted the weeks after my op and saw them as small milestones. My voice seemed to take ages to go back to normal and then it returned without me even thinking about it! I still get tired and voice can get hoarse after a long day but learning to pace myself. I took painkillers when I needed them too. Definitely stress doesn’t help and I’m trying to minimise that. All in all I’m doing really well- just sometimes I get overwhelmed. I hope your recovery goes well and you feel better with each passing day. Let us know how you go! Xx

  • Thank you @Dexx I am the same and counting the days since my op and keeping a diary to see how I progress and as a reminder for myself too.  I am taking paracetamol if I feel I need them, probably once or twice per day now, instead of the 8 tablets at first, so that must be a good sign, and I don't feel the need to clear my throat quite as much, which was so annoying when I couldn't clear it and would keep trying and very noisy too so my hubby keeps telling me.  He is very supportive though.  The sore throat feeling is still there this morning, but not bad, you just wonder if it is something to do with the lymph node removal. All questions I will be asking at my next appointment.  Hope you are feeling better today and your return to work goes smoothly for you.  Best wishes xx 

  • Hi lovely. Just to assure you that scary feeling is going away slowly. I've had my surgery on 23rd od April. TT and left neck dissection. Although I still feel fear sometimes it is coming to me less frequently. 

  • Not that long ago for you either then @IsabellFel.  Hope you are feeling well these days and did you have RAI treatment?