Thyroglobulin results

  • 1 reply
  • 26 subscribers

Hi all! 
my thyroglobulin results are 23.3 

I had one side of out 4yrs ago due to follicular cancer, I had other side out last year. Just worried about levels as on my patient access it’s marked as abnormal. 
keep safe and well everyone Green heart

  • You will need to talk to your specialist about this to find out what they think. A single Tg result doesn't mean much and can't really be interpreted without looking at what the earlier results were and so what the trend is. Also results can be higher if your TSH isn't fully suppressed. So don't panic. Get a professional interpretation.

    Abnormality - Just keep in mind that on blood tests, the definition of 'normal' is based on the total population, the vast majority of whom have a thyroid and we don't. So normal doesn't apply to somebody who has had their thyroid removed. Tg only tells you there are thyroid cells in the body but it can't differentiate between whether that tissue is 'normal' or cancerous. 

    Best wishes


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