Coughs and Colds

  • 7 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hello everyone, 

I’ve not said much here for a while so hello again! I had RAI nearly a year ago and have struggled so much since October with various coughs and colds... as soon as I get over one I’m ok for a week or two but then I get another one. I was wondering if this happened to anyone else? Prior to having cancer I rarely got a cold but I feel like I’m struggling so much at the moment. I have moved to a different part of the country so I guess I’m being exposed to different bugs but this is becoming exhausting. 

Sneezing face

  • Heya Bagpuss, 

    Nice to see you again, even if you are germ infested! Lol

    If I'm remembering correctly, you just had your thyroid removed and all your lymph nodes were left alone? 

    If that's right, then it's not related to your thyroid being removed. Your immune system may have taken a small knock from the RAI, but it'll bounce back again if it has.

    The other thing is that this year has been particularly bad for bugs, and bad bugs at that! I don't think there's anyone I know who hasn't caught something this year, including folks who don't normally catch anything! 

    Just keep warm, keep your fluids up, eat lots of fruit and veg, and stay away from cold and flu relief meds! 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • Hello Lass,

    I just had a few lymph nodes removed by the tumour so most are still there (and hopefully functioning). I guess I just need to sit this winter out!

    thank you x

  • Heya, 

    Ah ha! 

    Even a few lymph nodes out can affect your immune system. It's a whole network of nodes, passing bugs between them and killing them off. So taking a few out, leaves the area they've been removed from prone to infection. 

    So you've got this particularly bad cold and flu season, coupled with a gap in your immune system right around your neck leaving you vulnerable. 

    So I'm afraid, this might happen frequently whenever you come into contact with cold and flu type bugs these days. 




    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • Disappointed
    I did wonder... I know having a cold isn’t a huge issue but it really does annoy me when we get the whole ‘you’re lucky it’s only thyroid cancer’... 

  • I know it doesn't seem it sometimes, but there's a lot worse out there. So if you do HAVE to have a cancer, then might as well make it thyroid cancer.

    It's all in how you look at it. 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • These things REALLY are relative. Nobody is ever suggesting that having any kind of cancer is a lucky thing.

    BUT, having just spent last weekend visiting a friend who was told she had cancer in mid-December and is now, 5 or 6 weeks later, in a hospice with days to live, I am going to absolutely stick my neck out and say I consider I was exceedingly lucky to get thyroid cancer rather than one of the much more lethal types. 

    And actually, odd as it might sound, thyroid cancer brought so many fabulous people into my life that I do consider in absolute terms that I was actually lucky to get it because it changed my life in such a positive way.

    I can say that because I've been there. Stupid people who haven't been through it should probably keep their 'lucky cancer' opinions to themselves. As a wise man (or woman) once said "Opinions are like genitals; everybody's got them, but nobody wants other people waving theirs around"

    Best wishes


    “Scars are tattoos with better stories.” – Anonymous

  • Eek I feel like I’ve unleashed something I didn’t mean to with my tired late night messaging.... my dad died of bowel cancer when I was a child and my mum and sister both died of breast cancer in the last few years. I get that thyroid cancer is often more treatable than other types but I’m afraid I don’t feel lucky to have had it.