Third surgery coming up

  • 3 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi all,

I've got my third surgery on Thursday for a recurrence in my thyroid bed, which was picked up in my annual follow up. This operation is making me more anxious than the other two because of the placement of the new tumour. The tumour has grown next to my windpipe and my vocal chord so it's going to be quite fiddly to get out. The thing I am most worried about is damage to my vocal chord meaning I'll never be able to speak again (I have an overactive mind!) I've obviously gone through all the risks with my surgeon and I'm very aware they give the worst case scenario but I wondered if anyone in this group had experienced any damage that left them with no voice or under went any voice surgery / treatments for it to come back. I know that these can help too. 

Thanks so much in advance :) 

  • I know a couple of people who've been warned they MIGHT lose their voices but in each case, even if they were left with weaker voices for a while, they didn't lose them completely and they got stronger over time.

    As you say, they have to tell you about the worst case but that doesn't mean it's all that likely.

    Best wishes


    “Scars are tattoos with better stories.” – Anonymous

  • Thank you Barbara. That’s helpful and quite reassuring. I think my fear comes from the fact I’ve had two fairly major surgeries there in the last 12months and we’re off again! A weak voice I’m sure will please my family and friends haha. 

    thanks so much again :)

  • There are never any guarantees in this game and sometimes it does seem like you should be heading for the changing rooms and the bar but you're called back on the field to keep going for another op and more prodding and poking.

    Wishing you all the best for the op. 

    Stay strong.

    Best wishes


    “Scars are tattoos with better stories.” – Anonymous