Intolerances since thyroxine

  • 1 reply
  • 26 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

I was just wondering if anyone else has developed any intolerances since starting thyroxine. I had a total thyroidectomy in October and over the last few weeks I seem to have been getting stomach cramps and other symptoms.

I thought it was related to milk but went back to oat milk that I had when on a low iodine diet and still seems to upset me.

Can anyone offer any advice/what affected them?

Thanks, Gem x

  • Hey Gem,

    Do you think you have an allergy/intolerance to milk? Have you had issues with it in the past?

    I ask because your thyroxine has lactose in it, which could be what's giving you issues if you've had past problems with it.

    Definitely worth speaking to your GP about it all, and maybe moving to the lactose free thyroxine if there's an issue there.

    However there's nothing in thyroxine, and nothing that your thyroid did, that I believe would change how you react to food. So if it's not the lactose in the thyroxine, then I'd hazard a guess that the problem is unrelated to your TT.



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.