Phased return to work

  • 2 replies
  • 5 subscribers

I had a thymoma removal back in March and have started back at work doing a phased back to work. I go two days per week. Started back on Tuesday and did Tuesday and Wednesday feel so tired after the two days . Back on Monday so h gave days off. Still feeling exhausted 

  • Hi  

    Whilst it's good news that you have been able to return to work, it's not good news if it is exhausting you. When I worked, a phased return was a percentage of your hours that slowly gained each week for a period of 3 or 4 weeks until you were back to your usual hours. 

    I would say that you need to speak to your manager and HR to explain that the current plan for phased return is not working and cannot be sustained due to your current health. Is it possible to just work 4 half days, for instance? I recommend that you ring the Macmillan helpline for some support and advice. They are very helpful and are very knowledgeable about workplace rights and cancer. This is the link to contact

    Best regards 

    A x

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  • I do just two days and have note from doctor to do phased back to work til end of May and might say to them after the end of May to extend till end of term which is end of July . As I am still not ready to go back five days a week full time