Husband just starting this journey

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  • 12 subscribers

About 3-4 months ago my husband had some swelling and pain in his testicle, he went to the doctors and was prescribed antibiotics they said they thought it was a std or infection. We knew it was not an std as neither of us have cheat or more to the point have time to cheat with 4 children under 10 one of which is severely non verbal autistic. that seemed to work for a few weeks, husband said no more about it 

fast forward a month ago he found a lump, quite swallon and hard to touch in the testicle. While waiting for ultrasound appointment on wed last we he was sent home from work for constant vomiting and bad abdominal pains, gp sent him to a&e 6 hours later non the wiser told to come back Friday for ultrasound

He’s was sent for an ultrasound scan last Friday and was told there and then it’s cancer (spent the weekFace palm on google Face palm♀️Face palm) learning that they can’t test till it removed but the scan bloke was adament it was cancer so who knows.

saw gp Monday who had the hump he had been told it’s cancer although from what I’ve read it’s highly likely, now refered to urology regard op to remove etc 

I’ve so many questions going through my head and this could not be better timing with the school holidays too

so is it cancer is it not 

is it likely to have spread with the abdominal pain and vomiting 

how long does the op take to recover, he’s worried about work and money

is chemo likely 



  • Hello Donna,

    Welcome to the Online Community. I am sorry to hear that your husband has a lump on his testicle and has been having tests. It must be a real worry not to yet have a firm diagnosis especially when you are parents to young children. 

    I am sorry that during the scan the person doing the scan told him it was cancer. I can understand the GP having the hump as this is not the way things should normally happen. It may have looked like a cancer but until a biopsy is done/or surgery and pathology, there is no way of knowing for sure. It is good that your husband has been referred to a urologist to get it removed.

    When he sees the urologist he/she will be able to answer any questions, so maybe think about writing down a list of questions to be prepared. I did the same for some of my appointments and it does help. 

    What seems to happen mostly with potential cancer diagnosis is that a CT scan is done. This helps see where exactly the cancer is and helps the doctors decide the best treatment. If your husband has the lump removed afterwards it is sent to pathology and then they can confirm the grade and stage. It is these results that would confirm whether any further treatment is recommended. 

    The abdominal pain and vomiting may be connected or may not but when your husband sees the urologist they will take a full history from him. 

    Regarding work and money I would advise that you or he think about calling the Support Line and talking to one of the work and/or financial advisors on there. I had support from a financial advisor when I had my diagnosis last year as I went onto SSP only. He was able to tell me what I could claim and where from. It was a weight off my mind and meant I could concentrate on my health.

    I hope this helps a bit, if there is anything else please do ask.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • FormerMember


    Hello Donna, I'm very sorry to read of all confusion you both have at the moment. At the top of this page I have put a link to Macmillan testicular cancer information, I hope it is useful for you. Best regards.

    A x

  • Cancer Research tell us not to refer to “ Doctor Google” as it can be misleading. The CR website is brilliant,it gives lots of clear cut information. I was told twice that I Had Neuro Endocrine Cancer in my Lung,but  Dota Pet Scan showed that the tumour is benign. So now I am just waiting to have half of my Lung removed.Has your husband been told that it is Prostate Cancer ? Or is it Testicular ? 

    As you know, once you have a clear diagnosis you can have a plan of action. 

    look after yourself 

  • Testicular 

    I’m praying prostrate is never mentioned as that’s what his dad died of when he was younger and that effecting him enough as it is. Think that word would send him over the edge 

  • Hi, I’ve not been on in a while so just catching up with people. How’s things going?? I was told there and then at the ultrasound too, something I didn’t think was very good of them as I then spent weeks googling waiting for urology. Yes mine was cancer stage 1 classic seminoma. I had a 6 week wait for my operation which was hell, this forum really did help me back then (may last year was my op). One thing that I kept hearing though was this is the cancer to get if u have to get any. It’s highly curable even at later stages. After care has been ok, I have bloods and X-ray every 3 months at the minute and just had. Ct scan which was all clear. 
    hope your all doing ok