
  • 4 replies
  • 11 subscribers

Evening . I’ve just had operation to remove left testicle that had lump. Nothing confirmed yet but discussion with MDT next Friday to discuss way forward and most likely chemo . Not sure how I feel at minute . I think the wee bit of pain I’m in from operation is keeping me from thinking too far ahead . 

  • Hello Sub,

    Welcome to the Online Community.

    I hope that you do not mind me replying as I noticed that you have not yet had a reply from the forum. By me replying hopefully this will move your post back to the top and someone who has experience of testicular cancer will be able to respond. 

    I am sorry to see that you have had to have surgery to remove your testicle and am sorry that you are still having some pain from the surgery. Do not be afraid to speak with your doctor if you need a little more pain relief. 

    I see that today there is an MDT meeting to discuss the way forward and I hope it is not too long before they contact you and you can make plans for the next steps. I found in my own cancer journey that the waiting around was sometimes the hardest thing and once I had a plan it was something I could work towards. The thought of chemo can be scary but I managed with the support of family and friends and an excellent team at my hospital. 

    Please do let us know how the MDT meeting goes and what the next steps are. We will then be able to support you. 

    If there is anything else please do ask on here or alternatively there is a support line number at the bottom of this that you are welcome to call. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Seminoma diagnosis confirmed today . Meeting with oncologist Friday for treatment plan. 

  • I am sorry that you have had a diagnosis of seminoma confirmed and I hope the meeting tomorrow goes well. Hope that your pain from the surgery has eased a bit. Let us know how it goes tomorrow and if there is anything else you need. 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Good luck for Friday!