New diagnosis

  • 3 replies
  • 11 subscribers

Not sure how to start these forums, don't usually bother with them.

I noticed a lump on my right testical a little over a week ago, I went to the GP and was in for ultrasound the following day. I was referred to urology that same day and had my appointment the day after that.

Urologist said it was a form of cancer and was 36mm x 12mm and explained I'd need CT, and sperm sample into the bank before surgery and chemo.

I had the CT Thursday last week and now it's gone quite, I'm not sure how long these things take or if they still want me to put some of my swimmers on ice.

Is it normal to feel sick all of the time? More after I've managed to eat. My back is constantly hurting and has been for months could this be related to the cancer?

I'm also catching every bug doing the rounds, currently a chest infection which is making me feel like absolute rubbish.

Thanks you in advance for any replies.Smiley


  • Hi Luke, really sorry to hear you're going through this! My husband had a similar story last summer and had a similar size of lump found, too. It's a pretty shocking/unpleasant time, but it does get better, and as I'm sure you've already been told by doctors and others here on the forum, this is a highly treatable cancer, with fantastic cure rates (almost ALL men in the UK get better from this). 

    The CT scan usually takes 1-2 weeks to come back, but you can probably follow up with your urology team to ask when they expect results if you're quite anxious. We called our key worker a week after the scan, and while the doctor hadn't signed it off, she was able to give us a brief overview of what she had seen from the scan. You can also check with your team/key worker when they expect you to bank your sperm—it will definitely be pre-op! I think our appointment was about 10/14 days after initial urology appointment, and the week after that my husband had his surgery. They probably won't want to arrange it too close to surgery, just in case they want you to bank more sperm another day.

    Our experience was that yes, things do tend to go quite quiet between tests and results. There's just a bit of waiting involved and I personally found that a really hard aspect of it. If you ever feel worried about anything, just check in with your team and find out when they expect results back/to be in contact next. It can take a lot of the anxiety out of the waiting if you know not to be on the edge of your seat for 2 weeks straight. 

    If you have any other queries about surgery or what to expect going forward, I'm happy to help :) Best of luck for the scan results and the rest of your treatment!

  • Thank you for you're reply, I've been reading a lot of the posts on this forum knowing it's highly treatable is definitely taken some of the stress away.

    I'm trying to push any anxiety to the back of my mind and continue as normal with work and life in general.

    Again thank you for you're reply

  • Hi Luke how’s it going now bud?? 
    I was diagnosed with the same size lump as you in April last year mine was a classic seminoma. My ct was clear and just had one done last week which was also clear again. My op took about 6 weeks from diagnosis then I had chemo about 4-5 weeks after just to lower my chance of recurrence. I really did find this forum helpful and everyone on here did put my mind at ease but we all know how stressful it can be. If you haven’t had op yet I’m sure you will be pretty soon. Hope your well as can be mate