Complications after Orchiectomy

  • 4 replies
  • 10 subscribers

Hey community, 

I’ve been putting off saying hello in here for a while now as I’ve been trying to process everything but I’m at a stage now where I could really use some support/advice. 

As the title suggests, I recently had a left radical orchiectomy on the 21st October, I went home that same evening in a lot of pain but assumed and assured it was all part of the process and I’ll start to get back to my normal self soon. 
however the following morning, I instantly knew something wasn’t right as I know my own body and the wound area on my abdomen was extremely hot and angry, I ended up basically bed bound, with nothing but over the counter pain relief due to not being prescribed meds to go home with. Eventually it all got too much and I ended up having to go to hospital on Wednesday afternoon. 

and that’s where I still am at the time of writing this, I’d developed a huge infection underneath the wound that had spread to a tennis ball size bulge on my hip, my fever has been consistently spiking and just all around not been very well.
I got given a strong course of antibiotics but they didn’t work unfortunately, I ended up having surgery last night to reopen the wound and let the infection clear/drain.

im sorry if this was too much information but I just wanted some advice/support as to whether anyone’s experienced this before? I was told that the original procedure should have been very straight forward and I was looking forward to ticking this off and awaiting my mdt consultation and getting on with the next course of treatment if needed. 

i just feel completely at rock bottom at the moment and it’s really not where I saw myself less than a week after my original orchidectomy.. 

any words of advice would be greatly appreciated. 
apologies for the rant and TMI. 

All the best, 


  • Sorry to hear of your situation Adam. Certainly not what you’d hope for after an op! Hopefully your 2nd operation to clean up has been successful and you can look at this as just a small set back. If you require further treatment this may have delayed that for a couple of weeks but every day that passes is a day closer to getting rid of any possibility of the shit coming back. It’s not easy but try and take a positive spin out of your current situation……you’re at rock bottom now….good! Only one way to go now and that’s back up! Good luck and keep us posted!

  • Hi Adam—I'm so, so sorry to hear that you had such a difficult recovery after the initial surgery! Like you said, normally the procedure is very simple and recovery much the same, but I know others on this forum weren't 100% plain sailing and suffered from infections + additional treatment, so don't feel too alone. I'd really recommend checking in with your urology key worker if you're feeling a little unsure of anything—I phoned our nurse a few different times and felt much better for it. Have you had your CT scan yet?

  • Hi lavender, thank you. 
    yeah it wasn’t plain sailing at all, I ended up in hospital for 8 days and had 3 surgeries within that time frame to fix the complications that arose. it’s been a hell of an uphill battle already, but I was discharged today (Albeit it very unsteady on my feet) and hoping that’s the end of my hospital stays. 

    In regards to the CT scans, I found out on Sunday whilst in hospital that there were multiple enlarged lymph nodes found, so they’re just waiting on my MDT to send me an appointment letter so we can start a plan of action as to what’s going to happen next.

    thank you for your reply though. It’s nice to hear I’m not alone and there’s a community out there

  • Hi Adam , just been reading your messages , what a bloody nightmare for you ! 
    Just  wanted to say that  time is our great healer . The current situation is so unreal for you as it was for us . 
    Everyone's situation is similar but not exactly the same . 
    What is the same is we are put into a new strange situation that is totally new to us . 
    Dealing with that alone is enough to get the anxiety rushing . 
    Please take care and look foreword to a settled future 


