First meet with Specialist

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  • 9 subscribers

Hi - this may not (or hopefully will) be my only post here. Tomorrow I will see the urology specialist about a lump in my scrotum. I've had an ultrasound, and had comments like "I've never seen something like this before". Also bloods, which I will hear about tomorrow. Like everyone who has been here, I am very nervous about this. Any thoughts? I am a practicing Buddhist, so I am looking to transform this karma, but still human, so feeling very vertiginous.

  • Hi Len

    Good luck with your appointment today and sorry you are in this situation. The person who has said “they’ve never seen anything like this” is very unprofessional and should’ve just said nothing (I’m guessing it’s the ultrasound person). Comments like that are just not helpful in any way and certainly aren’t going to relax you. Hopefully you’ll find out more today and I would guess, be booked in for a ct scan.

    All the best 

  • Thank you for this. Have just seen specialist and the news was quite good. Have to have an Epididymectomy, no tumour markers in bloods and no CT scan needed. 30% or less chance of cancer.  Feel odd, as was all worked up for difficult news and feel strangely deflated. But still grateful that things weren't worse...