Hello, New here

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Hello Everyone, 

My names Gary.

I was recently diagnosed with TC. I am due to have an Orchiectomy on Wednesday 10/11/21. I guess I'm still trying to process what's going on, everything seems to be moving so quickly.

It's only been 6 days since being told by the urologist, to having it chopped off. I.understand it's a relatively simple procedure or so it's meant to be. I was wondering what other people's recovery was like? I guess it's the main thing playing on my mind. That and not knowing what type of cancer it is. 

Obviously as I'm sure most have done so, I've sat infront of Google which only made me more anxious if I'm honest. But yeah, just wanted to ask others that have gone through this what their recovery was like, and how long before some level of normality. Back to work and mobile ect: 

I have chosen not to have a prosthetic implant put in it's place, it doesn't really interest me that much how it looks. Has anyone else here decided not to have an implant put in, and if so did it feel any different? How long did it take to get used to it?

I have 2 young children 11 & 6, the youngest doesn't really understand what's going on. The eldest however does, she's either a master of deception (kids usually are tbf) or she is genuinely handling it well. 

Has anyone else gone through this with young children? and are their any signs or traits for me to look out for as a parent that would suggest they are not coping?

Thanks for reading Wave

  • Hi, Gary. The name's Merv.

    I'm also new here - signed up just a few days ago.

    I haven't been diagosed with anything myself just yet - I'm due to have an ultrasound sometime in the next two weeks. Obviously I'm hoping all is well, but my GP was obviously concerned enough to urgently refer me, so I'm trying my best to prepare myself accordingly.

    Sorry I can't answer your question about the operation directly, but there seem to be plenty of friendly guys on here that I'm sure can help with that. Having, by complete coincidence, worked in the medical device industry some time ago, I'm familiar with the procedure in theory and it's generally considered to be relatively straight-forward. As yet, though, I've not experienced anything from the receiving end, so to speak - in that respect, I'm also courious to find out more.

    I just wanted to say that I hope everything goes well with the operation and wish you a quick recovery - I'm sure everything will go absolutely fine.

  • Hi Merv

    Welcome  to the forum firstly . 

    So your waiting for your scan at present? 
    I thought I'd let you know how I got on and hope this helps you .

    Had a pain in my right testicle 5 years ago and was sent for my first ultra sound scan . The scan showed nothing ? 

    I carried on and had two further scans , nerve block injections, pain killers . Still no sign of anything on the scan but still had a pain in the same place . 

    By this time I'm thinking that they must think I'm a hypochondriac!

    May 21 , I had another Ultra Sound scan and it showed the testicle was 80% tumour ! The last scan I had was 12 months before , so sometime in those 12 months the tumour showed on the scan . 

    June 21, I had radical Orchidectomy. 

    The tumour I had turned out to be a mixed germ cell type . 

    The urologist and oncologist felt that the tumour being removed along with the testicle meant I had a good chance of avoiding chemotherapy as the blood markers went back to normal after the op and also the CT scan showed it hadn't spread .

    So now I've been put on observation with regular blood tests and scans . 

    I think the moral of my story is I now have to wait for those results , blood tests CT scan and  X-rays like I had to wait for my first scan . Im not good at waiting for these results !! 

    To this day I find it hard to deal with the waiting of test results as  im a naturally anxious person , so I know how you must be feeling and I sympathise completely with you . 

    Not knowing what results your getting is bad , but when I had my last Ultra Sound in May I was kind of relieved when the radiologist said you have a tumour here so I'm gonna get things moving quick for you , and he did . 

    I hope your scan goes ok Merv , it's totally painless and is not a long process . Let's hope your Ok and your definitely not on your own with this .

    all the best 




  • Hi, Mark, and thanks for the reply. 

    Really odd that nothing was found on the first couple of scans. Glad to hear that the CT scan came back clear, though.

    And thanks for understanding how I feel - I don't cope with waiting very well at all. Hopefully my scan will show nothing of concern, but who knows... At least if it does, I can rest assured that I couldn't have been any quicker at finding the lump and going to my GP.

  • Hi Gary , welcome to the forum . 

    So your appointment for the Orchidectomy is in a couple of days . 
    I had a Orchidectomy back in May this year and I thought I could help you with your thoughts and feelings regarding the op . 

    I had a day surgery and the  staff on duty were lovely . They are caring and professional at the same time .

    My procedure took about an hour and after you will feel tired and a bit sore but nothing more . 

    Like you I didn't bother to have a prosthetic either . I felt the important thing was to get the op done and not how it all looked afterwards .

    The staff make sure you can have a wee ok before you go home . This is easier said than done as that part of your body still has anaesthetic in it so you're usual feelings are not there , but after a few goes I managed to have a wee . 

    Before your discharged you are thoroughly checked over and given medication and a few spare dressings to take home with you plus all the relavent paperwork . 

    The actual cut they need to do for the procedure is in the groin area just below your belly .It's not big with 2-3" long . You get checked over by the urologist a few days after and I had to wait around two weeks for the result of cancer type etc . Mine was malignant mixed germ cell . 

    I also got a dressing change from the nurse at my own doctors about 2-3 weeks after I think Thinking 

    My kids are older than yours as I'm 62 so I can't really answer the questions about how they would react . I'm sure they will just be delighted that Dads back home and your op went ok . 

    Good luck for Wednesday Gary , let us know how you get on . 

    All the best 



  • Sorry,  - if you don't mind me asking, did you have any other symptoms apart from the pain? Enlargement and/or swelling? Firmness? A lump? 

  • Thanks for the replys guys. Thinks it's sunk in abit now and I've had the chance to process it all. Yeah just looking forward to getting it whipped out now and hopefully having a quick recovery. Thanks for the feedback on the procedure Mark. Definitely put my mind at ease slightly, was abit anxious to be honest. 

  • Hi Merv , 

    I just had a nagging dull heavy pain in the testicle .

    No lumps or bumps as the tumour had pretty much taken over the whole testicle so where I could feel my testicle 80% of the testicle was tumour so that's what I could feel . 

    Hope that makes sense 




  • Your only human Gary it natural to feel anxious Thumbsup


  • Sounds exactly like what mines been like, that and the fact it's now like 4x the size of my other one 

  • Thanks,  It's odd - from everyone I've spoken with so far, the systoms both yourself and  have described seem to be more common than the "small painless lump" that most awareness stuff states is the usual thing to watch out for.  It just goes to show that us guys should get ANYTHING that seems different down there checked by an expert.

    My symptoms are very different, as you can see from my profile. 

    I've decided to use my experience to promote awareness of testicular cancer at work - regardless of my diagnosis. Even though it's promoted much more than it used to be, men just don't talk openly enough about issues they may be having which can lead to mental issues and undue stress or even a delay in life-saving treatment.