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Just received news that I require a bilateral orchiectomy due to lack of blood flow to both testes. I am extremely scared and upset. No apparent cancer, but hoping to find a place for some support. Most all forums are cancer related when dealing with loss of testes. Nevertheless, a lot of related issues overlap. If not here, can anyone point me in the right direction?

  • Hi. There are people that come here for advice about dealing with losing one or both testicles for reasons other than cancer. 

    I can't offer much myself as I only lost one.

    Best wishes


  • What further complicates the issue for me is that this whole thing is the result of malpractice. I had a bilateral varicocelectomy last April, and the urologist clipped the testicular arteries on both sides during the process. Now the testicles are dying. Having this whole thing happen as the result of someone else’s negligence really messes with my mind.

  • Hi , I read your posts and can only share your anxiety and thoughts you have .It's a tough time for you I'm sure . 
    I can only imagine what your going through . 
    Stay strong , your not on your own. 

    Best wishes 



  • Well, am scheduled for a bilateral orchiectomy on Nov 15. I’m scared shitless. Any suggestions on how to get mentally prepared for this? How long can I expect recovery to take?

  • Hi

    It's a lot to deal with. I feel for you. The operation itself though isn't too bad at all. It isn't complicated or risky.  You'll be up and moving about in a day or two. I had to have a word with myself and stop myself going for a run on day 10. I did actually go running on day 14. I think I was very fortunate in my recovery. It seems others took a bit longer.

    Best wishes


  • Hi Singledeck , 

    Everyone's got a different way to handle things but this was how I prepared if it helps ?

    Im the type who loves a plan and likes to be informed about every stage .

    Firstly I was thankful I got a date in the diary. For me this is the first piece of a unknown puzzle .

    I take evey stage as a step in the right direction. My date also got bought foreword by a week so I looked at that as a good thing as it brings the whole process to a conclusion quicker . Less time to think about the negatives .

    I read up on the subject through looking at the credible organisations on the internet and  watched the credible Youtube videos looking for similar cases I could relate to and would help me  .

    I had contact with the Macmillan nurse who kept me informed with the process and helped me with knowing what was going on and if there were any changes to my case . They were brilliant, they always get back to you when you call .

    So for me , any news was good news as it bought me closer to getting the first stage understood.

    I do hope this helps in some way and as I said before , your not on your own , I'll be thinking about you as  others will too I'm sure .

    take care 



  • Thank you all. Mark, my date was also brought forward. It originally was scheduled for December, and that was a positive and did help. I have been reading a lot. Some of it helps, some is upsetting. I see terms like “castration”, and the word itself frightens me. How will I look? What will others think of me? These are all things I think about. I’m angry, sad, depressed, scared,; just a whole mix of changing emotions. Just having some acknowledgement here really helps.

  • You will probably be offered prosthetics, but it wasn't properly discussed with me until the day itself.  I opted not to, but I think that might have been different if I was losing both. Worth searching through this forum for discussions around the pros and cons of prosthetics.


  • I have opted for prosthetics. Have not found much while searching.

  • Having decided on prosthetics, I was wondering about anyone’s experience with two. Specifically the sizing and recovery. So far my urologist has not shown me the prosthetic, and I wondered if I should be asking for a consultation prior to the surgery, or if seeing it on the day of the surgery is sufficient.