Late CT scan on observation.

  • 4 replies
  • 10 subscribers

Hi guys , I'm on observation and had my blood test back in time for my oncologist meeting but CT scan hasn't come back ,it was done two weeks prior to oncologist calling me , so to sum up it's been three weeks in total waiting for CT scan .

I know it's tough on the NHS at the moment , but it's just a result I'm wanting not a appointment !

Im not good at waiting , anyone got a similar problem ? 
Thanks All 


  • Hi . Mark, I don't think any of us are good at waiting. My hubby had a CT scan for a different type of cancer and he still hasn't had a result. I just pester until I get an answer. I always start the conversation with an apology for bothering them and that always seems to work. Hubby's likely to go in all guns blazing which gets no-one anywhere quick!

    Be tenacious, like me!

    Hugs, B xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Womb cancer forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Hi Mrs BJH, thank you for your lovely message . 
    I do try to be pleasant on the phone as I know the oncologist is very busy . But,Im finding the observation very stressful as the oncologist seems to be rather vague and not  making sure he has both CT and bloods info to hand before he speaks to me . How can I be properly checked over without  both of these bits of info. 

    I was promised my case would be discussed with the MTD meeting as I had mixed germ cell malignant tumour and he was undecided at first if I should have Chemotherapy or observation . I was informed I would know that outcome before our next meeting . That MTD  meeting never happened in time for our planned follow up. I'm an anxious person anyway so you can imagine what was going through my mind for a month without even getting a letter to confirm our discussion and what was the cancers I had ?

    Anyway , I must stop ranting but can't help myself when the basics are overlooked. I know I'm not the only patient who has this problem .

    • In the last six years I've had 2 strokes, acute pancreatitis , and shingles after that , and now testicular cancer  . All this has made me very concerned about my future and I'm hyper to getting information when it's been promised . 

    Anyway , thanks Pray for listening and I'm going to shut up up now Zipper mouth

    take care 



  • Hi Mark don't worry about having a rant - we all do it and reading your post you're entitled to do so. It seems there are some hospital trusts where one hand doesn't know what the other is doing and ones who are so laid back they're in last week and others with no bedside manners - I've come across them all on these forums but it doesn't help when thoughts are swirling around in your head and no-one's giving you any answers.

    It can't be that hard for your Oncologist to have either got the relevant information to hand in time for your planned consultation. Might it be an idea to give your consultant's secretary a call and say how anxious you are, my own consultant's secretary and my CNS are both brilliant but it must be so hard when you're waiting for answers on important issues.

    Sending hugs, B xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Womb cancer forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Hi

    If this goes on much longer contact PALS Patient Advice and Liaison Service for your hospital. Don't frame your contact as a complaint, just explain the reasons for your anxiety. They have a lot of clout. They sorted out an issue I had with repeated cancelled appointments without being informed within a couple hours. 

    Best wishes
